I didn’t get it mixed up, I keep on telling you it mistranslated the original text that was in German. Why are you trying so hard to say that being gay is a sin? It’s not instead of “man lie with man” it’s actually “man lie with boy” as in pedophilia. Again, why do you have to push the agenda that being a homosexual is against Christian beliefs? It’s as if your using it as an excuse for people being homophobic, believing that being gay is a sin is homophobic and what the fuck are you doing here if you’re a homophobe?
Dude are you just trying to start arguments with people online? I literally just said I don’t care about that, but you also have to respect other beliefs. I don’t care if someone is gay, even though I was raised to see them as sinful people until I took a good look at myself and realized I’m just a “sinful” person as Christians make them seem. And the Bible didn’t originate from Germany, hence why it was written in Hebrew, so um, yeah get your facts right I guess. Also, where in my sentence did I say that it was okay for Christians to be homophobic because it’s against their religion? Since you cursed at me, I feel like I have the right to do it back. Are you fucking blind? don’t just pick and choose what you want to read and then proceed to make up your own interpretation of it. Spare me your comment because itll probably be just as dumb as this one. Get over yourself and oof, your superiority complex is showing
Because the Bible is so popular it went through multiple languages before being translated into English, English came AFTER German did so once they translated it from German to English after German was translated from Hebrew. This isn’t about superiority complex, this is about being discriminated against, Im not disrespecting the religion I’m saying that the religion wasn’t even against homosexuals in the first place. I’m not trying to start arguments online I’m going to get angry if someone says that I’m going to hell because I love someone of the same gender.
he gay tho so hes kinda against god ....