don't like Hiroi

Lady P0ny August 18, 2015 2:11 am

not because of the threesome, in this case everybody said ok so I'm fine with it, but I think that Hiroi should step out of this relationship, cause Take isn't happy at all! He is so much more in love with Mine than Hiroi, and Mine also loves him but doesn't seem to accept this (that's how I see it). If Hiroi loves Take as a friend, he should know when to stop being selfish and help those two get together without him. I think that at some point of the story, Hiroi showed that he doesn't love Mine, he just wants to test if again Take will be chosen over him. It hurts so much to see Take suffering in silence. I love Take.

    Llliwasda August 18, 2015 2:18 am

    I share your point of view ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Angel August 18, 2015 2:35 am

    I get your point, but Hiroi do love Mine. At the begining it wasn't but he slowly fell in love, it was demonstrat by the author many time from his action... To me that is...

    Usako August 18, 2015 2:35 am

    It's true that Take-chan is attracted to Mine-chan, but I don't see him loving Mine-chan more than Hiroi. If Hiroi were to leave, Mine-chan would be too heartbroken, and I think he'd chase after him. As a matter of fact, Take-chan seems to treat Mine-chan like crap most of the time. What part of that is love? He even refuses to be nice to him, because he knows it would make Mine-chan happier, and I don't think he could handle that.

    Angel August 18, 2015 2:40 am

    Hum if you look at the reply from "NocturalGreyhound" three topics below, you'll get a better explanation XD

    Lady P0ny August 18, 2015 3:48 am
    I get your point, but Hiroi do love Mine. At the begining it wasn't but he slowly fell in love, it was demonstrat by the author many time from his action... To me that is... Angel

    hmmmm you have a point!

    Lady P0ny August 18, 2015 3:55 am
    It's true that Take-chan is attracted to Mine-chan, but I don't see him loving Mine-chan more than Hiroi. If Hiroi were to leave, Mine-chan would be too heartbroken, and I think he'd chase after him. As a matte... @Usako

    About Take treating Mine bad, I see as he loves him but he is afraid of Hiroi noticing that, so he treats him coldly so Hiroi AND Mine won't notice his feelings. Just like kids who picks on the people they like cause they are afraid of showing their real feelings. But what you said about Hiroi leaving and Mine being heartbroken makes a lot of sense (I think my love for Take blinded me on this one ahah) and that is good, cause it makes me think even more about the whole story ahahah But about Hiroi loving him, I just can't see it in the story, what I see is that Hiroi is a selfish possessive person, and Mine is just like a toy (or maybe is because he is a sadist so I'm still thinking about it hehe). Anyway, thanks for the reply, it made me see some stuff from other view!

    Lady P0ny August 18, 2015 3:55 am
    Hum if you look at the reply from "NocturalGreyhound" three topics below, you'll get a better explanation XD Angel

    it really is a good explanation ahahah thank you!

    Lady P0ny August 18, 2015 3:56 am
    I share your point of view ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Llliwasda

    high five! (●'◡'●)ノ

    Lady P0ny August 18, 2015 3:57 am
    it really is a good explanation ahahah thank you! Lady P0ny

    (but about Take kissing him only cause it feels good I totally disagree, I think he couldn't contain himself anymore, he was already crazy about Mine)

    Koisuruadict! August 18, 2015 4:30 am

    yeees!I'm agree....I Totally love Take u.u..don't want to see him suffer ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Leimaymay❤ August 18, 2015 10:04 am

    WE HAVE THE SAME OPINION... AGAIN!!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Lady P0ny August 18, 2015 6:26 pm
    WE HAVE THE SAME OPINION... AGAIN!!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Leimaymay❤

    ahhahaha we are kindred spirits! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Rinzeixl August 19, 2015 3:02 am

    I 100% agree. I really want Take and Mine to be together (╯°Д °)╯╧╧!

    Fatledi1 September 3, 2015 5:49 pm
    I get your point, but Hiroi do love Mine. At the begining it wasn't but he slowly fell in love, it was demonstrat by the author many time from his action... To me that is... Angel


    Anon December 23, 2015 3:12 am

    Sorry, Mine doesn't love Take that way. It's been obvious from the start. The author has also confirmed this. The author has made it obvious that Mine likes Take more only for his body and the sex. Take also loves Mine because Mine loves Hiroi more and only sees Take as a friend. If Mine were to love him more, Take would probably lose interest and stop liking him. Take was also shown to like the fact that when Hiroi and MIne are in their 'own lovey dovey world' and ignores him. I really don't understand when people say Take is sad or Mine loves Take but doesn't admit it. Were we reading the same manga? The one that regularly gets sad more is Hiroi actually, especially when he finally realise why he is feeling that way(because he really likes Mine). Mine is happy being loved by Hiroi. Take is happy when he has both of them together, never once saying how much he wanted Mine alone or was sad that Mine loves Hiroi?? So I don't get this 'poor Take' people keep talking about.

    It's good and all but if they got together. The only thing that would hold them together is the sex? Throughout the manga they didn't have a single proper conversation unless it's about Hiroi? Is this how people think relationships are built on?

    Anon December 23, 2015 5:06 am
    Sorry, Mine doesn't love Take that way. It's been obvious from the start. The author has also confirmed this. The author has made it obvious that Mine likes Take more only for his body and the sex. Take also lo... @Anon

    You can interpret if you want that Take is being cold on purpose so that Hiroi won't think that Take loves Mine or anything but there is nothing from the manga that confirms this. It's actually just Take's natural reaction to Mine. Because he was like this even BEFORE he started liking him. Just that he BECAME worse when he started like Mine. Which is really not a good sign for a r/s between them. Take is emotionally stunted because he has always preferred 'saving energy' instead of dealing with what he likes and doesn't like. Mine does not understand Take and doesn't try to understand him. The only understanding they have is their love for Hiroi. This really doesn't seem like a good basis for a r/s and I doubt it would change since neither are willing to.

    Especially since Mine is too in love with Hiroi to try to understand more about Take and Take doesn't care if he's understood or not and reacts in a very violent way in things he doesn't understand. It's scary to even think of a relationship between them.

    Anon December 23, 2015 5:26 am
    About Take treating Mine bad, I see as he loves him but he is afraid of Hiroi noticing that, so he treats him coldly so Hiroi AND Mine won't notice his feelings. Just like kids who picks on the people they like... Lady P0ny

    Actually it was quite obvious that Hiroi was starting to love Mine. He was never jealous in any of his other relationship even when his gf tells him they start to like Take more. When seeing Take and Mine kissing during sex, he has flashbacks to when his girlfriend said 'you don't share the people you like' which he didn't understand at the time but FINALLY understood when it came to Mine. Making it quite obvious that he really cares and likes Mine. Because he didn't understand the concept of what his previous gf said to him but now he does because he really likes Mine. It is not a matter of possessiveness or just how he treats a toy.

    And Hiroi is a selfish possessive person??? The start was that Mine shared all his favourite things with Take. ALL. I'm sorry if he was a selfish possessive person. First off, would he share everything he liked with Take? Second, why would he tell Take it's ok to have sex with Mine if he isn't there? Is that how a selfish possessive person acts? He also always tries to make Mine understand the type of person Take is. And this is when he was already starting to feel jealous? I truly see Hiroi as very selfless. He could have easily said yeah, he's horrible to turn Mine away from Take, it wouldn't take much because Mine always wants to be alone with Hiroi anyway. The only time he can be seen as even a little bit of selfish is when he has sex and directs Mine and Take but Mine likes it when he's being praised by Hiroi? And Hiroi even let Take have sex with Mine first if he wanted to? I think your bias for Take really blinded you to everything else. I'm wondering if we read the same manga.

    I truly see the most sad one as Hiroi because he is the one who is the most insecure about his r/s with the both of them. Eventhough it's clear that Mine loves him and doesn't love Take. Just that Take is better at sex, that's all. And he's also afraid Mine would take Take away eventhough Take always said to himself that if Mine were to love him more, he wouldn't feel the same about Mine anymore.

    I don't see Take as sad because he never once showed it. Not even in thoughts or facial expression or behaviour. He is truly happy to have the both of them and that's enough for him. His reasoning: If Hiroi is happy=he is happy. If Hiroi were to go, he would feel uncomfortable and unhappy. Even in the end, he was happy to have both of them there?

    I don't think it's fair to say that Hiroi's love isn't real yet say that Take's love is real. Because Take's love iS JUST because Mine loves Hiroi more and ONLY treats and sees Take as a friend. EVEN the authors said so. That's why he repeats that if Mine were to fall in love with him more, he would lose interest. Yet Hiroi's love is fake?

    Lady P0ny December 23, 2015 2:51 pm
    Actually it was quite obvious that Hiroi was starting to love Mine. He was never jealous in any of his other relationship even when his gf tells him they start to like Take more. When seeing Take and Mine kissi... @Anon

    That was a nice observation, thanks a lot for your reply! Even tho I may not agree with you (I would have to read again cause it's been mangas ago ahahaa), but I can see that you really thought everything about the story and took your time to write this reply, and that makes me glad! Next time I read this manga (it gave me a heartache), I will re-read your reply. Thank you! (●'◡'●)ノ

    K January 2, 2016 3:40 am
    That was a nice observation, thanks a lot for your reply! Even tho I may not agree with you (I would have to read again cause it's been mangas ago ahahaa), but I can see that you really thought everything about... Lady P0ny

    Yeah it must have given you a heartache to see Mine get beaten up by someone who's really in love with him.