
right? right? never expected to see so much support for him on here or even twt i could literally count the amount of joowon stans within my ten fingers on here during s1 and s2 at a point it was weird to me he used to get so much hate for breathing like they used to call him manipulative abusive rapist and whatnot but no one said shit when the author showed takus manipulative monologues....
crying i've been on team joowon from the start even tho we got called mentally ill for liking him and shit (ehem not to be dramatic over this shit now) he used to get so much hate i hardly saw any team joowon comments here and whenever some team joowon made some comments even tho it was simply praising him the no. of downvotes were outta pocket and i never really cared about the endgame but we got it anyway but im just so emo over joowon's character development TvT from the most disliked character to the most liked character he proved himself selfless again in this chapter he's the one whos hurt but hes worried about haesoo after he woke up, earlier he let haesoo go with taku thinking that'd make him happy and finally he gathered his courage to confess. his love is so pure and genuine brb crying in the club hes tooo precious
our man grew up so much and proved himself to be the one with the best character development outta all the characters FANDOM HUG, TEAM JOOWON cries
im not a huge fan of the manhwa but i wanna thank the author for giving us an amazing character like him and its sad knowing the manhwa is close to end now and we wont get to him more TvT yd better give us a lot of side stories of him having the time of his life
(also idc but for people saying haesoo owes an apology to taku are yall fr? taku put himself in that position. haesoo repeatedly said hes not ready for a relationship but taku manipulated and guilttripped him into this so he doesnt owe him shxx but still i checked the latest raw and haesoo still gonna apologize anyway)