I need answers ~

Sea December 15, 2020 4:16 pm

Can anyone spoil me on what's gonna happen next? Please? (︶︿︶)

    SisterFriede December 22, 2020 2:37 pm

    A lot of drama.... a lot

    AreYouAddicted January 1, 2021 7:04 pm

    spoilers.... I only looked at the raws pictures because I don't understand Chinese but...

    They are going to have the ceremony its going to be beautiful then they are going to spend a night together idk if they had sex because its censored.

    But the priest made him a design on his lower back (cause you know when they mate a design is formed on the mark) so he did it to show the villagers they mated.

    Then the egg hatched it was a puddle but the human used the stone and gave it life and the priest did something too I forgot but it was mostly the human that scene was really cool.
    The baby looked like both of them it looked a lot like the priest actually.

    Then the white octopus turned back evil. And I think they blamed the human because he was then tied up in the water on a rock.

    Then idk something happened to the priest then the human went with his child to look for him or something.


    Sea January 2, 2021 6:58 am

    Yay! Thanks. I need motivations to continue this story. I'll wait for the kid then.