Well I think paula or whatever I understand why she is doing that she is scared and she probably don’t wanna lost everything that she work for that so and I’m sure that she don’t hate the baby she just scared and I understand and kinda happy that she is thinking about himself first and the emperador he can wait i mean that guy have like f 4 concubines and probably they gonna be happy maybe not like a couple but like friends i mean the most important things that paula can do is being happy with or without the emperador and the kid he is going to be fine i mean is fiction the kids they always fine so don’t hate Paulina for his decision just imagine that just because the emperador loves u he is gonna take everything that you work so hard and making disappear i mean is scared right so plsss don’t hate herrrr (●'◡'●)ノ

She doesn't really hate the child, she just doesn't feel like it's hers because it's of royal blood and when she gives birth she treats him more like a stranger's child
She was ready to give him away to his majesty and let another woman be the mother, because she didn't want to be the empress so much
She was like "I can raise him, you can take him, whatever works for you"

I'm really trying to understand her but it's kinda fucked up like okay you dont want to be an empress then just be a mother to her without thinking like its some fuckin baggage that can be taken away and cared by somebody else just bcos it carries royal blood. I'm sorry my judgment is clouded and biased damn I'm so frustrated that the story I love completely turned 180 and touched some topics I'm sensitive about...

This might be an unpopular opinion but I kinda like that it goes against the cliche of the main couple falling in love and living a happy ever after, which naturally involves marrying, having kids and being happy about it all. But I can imagine how frustrating it is to wait for some sparks to fly after like 300 chapters lol. I wouldn't be surprised if she just ends up denying the Emperor and learns how to love her own child. I think I'd actually prefer it that way tbh.

Ye I don't like it either... If she was just like "i don't love you your majesty, so i don't wanna marry you, I'm sorry" then i would understand, but she started to cry and say all these hurtful things.... Ugh I hate it
And i feel sad she doesn't care about her child just because it's a son of the emperor (who she is supposed to adore, even if not romantically)
The emperor did so much for her and was always respectful and she couldn't even try and respond to his feelings with the same respect he showed her, instead she hurt him again and he had to apologize to her for having f e e l i n g s for her i hate it here istg

I'm ok with her denying him if she doesnt love him, I'm not okay with the way she *treated* him while rejecting him
If anyone treated me this way after I confessed I would probably be scarred for life seriously, she could think a bit about the emperor's feelings too, not go and blame him for something he can't even control (like falling in love)

Okay so before she got pregnant the emperor had three wives. One of them have birth to a daughter and died after that, one of them lost her right to be his wife because her family betrayed the emperor (but he gave her work in the palace because she wanted to become successful and admired our FL for having accomplished so much as a woman, and the third wife divorced the emperor. FL was actually engaged to a golddigger ugly royal doctor back then, and emperor wanted to allowed that because she seemed to like him and became happier while being with him. But the emperor found out he was going to betray her and he let the FL find out about what kind of guy her fiance is. It was after she found out about it and punished him, they stayed for a night at some room and got drunk and slept together. That's when she got pregnant. So it was after the emperor "lost" all of his wives. It was for the better since FL said that if he was married she'd have to kill herself because of the pregnancy. As for the wives reaction, one of them actually knew he had a crush on FL and supported him. They never really expected love from him, and he was kind to them, so they were more like friends who had to have baby together than like wives and a husband. As for the empress, the novel isn't finished so i think that at the xahoter that it's out for noe

Shoot i accidentally clicked post lol
- I think that at the chapters that are out for now she agreed to marry him but still had doubts and one of his last wives told her to not marry if she didn't want to
She still doesn't seem to be happy because of the marriage at all
At least they named the kid, idk who names him tho because after the chapter with confession I skipped a few chapters to see if she changed in the latest chapters

It could just be post partum depression and she literally just had a child that she never planned to have and she even thought she was infertile, also she had this child with someone who she always looked up to, this could just be her immediate reaction, her love this entire time was for the job and she probably hates the fact that if she were a straight male knight this would never have even happened and this complication would never have resulted, instead she could have a wife bear her child and keep the house warm when she returned from work and she wouldn’t be in a position where she could potentially have sex and become pregnant with the emperor who she so admire’s child, so for this first time she hates being a woman because her entire relationship with the person she serves and admires has changed forever against what she wished it were and the future she worked hard and dreamed for herself, this isn’t primarily a romance, I mean season 1 was obviously not romance, season two was packed with romance but also with character building of many characters, season 1 got us investing in Paulianna as a character, here in this season we know her, we know her struggles and her perseverance and personality, I’m not here to invest in the romance of Paulianna, I’m here for Paulianna and the trials she has ahead of her and how she deals with such life changing events that have happened to her that she never wished for, despite being reminded everyday that she is a woman she and most of everyone around her thought of her as a man and I’m sure she felt as though she was one too, so it wouldn’t be surprising that these developments and this future that has come upon her wouldn’t just completely fuck with her head, in fact it would be weird if it didn’t

This really goes against the usual being empress n sht and honestly it's a good thing. When they spent that night together it was a one night stand. The baby she gets wasn't what she wanted. She didn't even positively want to have sex with the emperor (drunk). Plus just because the ML is nice why does she have to reciprocate his feelings? Why is she obligated to do so? In this era if she were to really marry the emperor all her feats would be lost. She'll be called a gold digger, a slt, someone who didn't deserve to receive her title and someone who seduces the emperor to get where she is now. Like wtf? You hate the MC for that? Her options are lost, bound by obligation can't abort the kid ESP since its the emperor's. No choice, bleak future. Do y'all really think everything can be fuking solved if she just gets married and becomes an empress?? Shes a knight for fks sakes. She doesn't know sht about being an empress and doesn't wanna be one (since if he marries emperor she'll become an empress). And if the ML is as good as y'all say, he'll actually respects her decision. Not force sht onto her because of his feelings. Does he not care for her happiness??? Y'all are fked up for siding with ML just because he's merely 'nice'. Being an empress isn't easy and she's trained as a knight as her whole life, feels proud of it and wants to stay that way. Why the fk would she want to become an empress who's bound by social norm and obligations??? (Have kids, serve husband, no purpose) By becoming an empress she probs can't even wield the sword anymore and be constrained for the rest of her life. It's fucked up. Reality isn't as beautiful as u fcking think for fks sakes.

Feelings can't be forced and it isn't as beautiful as everyone portrays. Her feelings are choice, she shouldnt 'fall in love' cause the ML is good to her. The ML really needs to chase her properly, not just suddenly confessing and forcing her to answer on the spot. She admires him, not loves him. It's really fked up in this era where if the guy like the ML shows basic human decency (respects her for her actual talents and sht) the FL has to reciprocate. No questions asked. Sure he's nice to her, she respects him. He doesn't really blatantly shows his feelings to her, but expects her to like him??? Her EQ is low, and he probs knows of this. Even if he wants to chase after her he needs to understand his position as the emperor, and how if he truly get married to her she's basically nothing now after all the sht she went through and achieved. If he really loves her he needs to use his fking brain, esp as a 'smart' emperor. Social norms aren't easy to change. Just because some thinks she deserves what she did, other may not think so. This'll be esp worse if she marries him for a kid she didn't want and expected (but forced to keep, wow no choice at all! I'm sure the pro life ppl are fking happy). I'm surprised she hasn't fell into a spiral of depression and hatred. Honestly if I were her, I'd hate the ML for ruining everything.

Did you read the novel at all????
If you did, you wouldn't have been able to say the emperor wasn't considerate. Everything he did was for FL's happiness and he did chase after her, she was just too oblivious to romance to notice. Now I'm not saying she should marry him against his will, to he emperor doesn't want that either. I'm saying blaming him for having /feelings/ and saying such hurtful things when he was nothing but good to her is just annoying. I myself had two situations where my friends were in love with me, but I just rejected them normally, not making them feel like shit and blaming them and making them apologize for something that wasn't their fault... Since we've been good friends.
And when they were both drunk, the FL was actually the one who came onto him first while he was confessing to her unknowingly.
I really love this story, but i think i will be dropping it.
So i read the novel. It's chapter 300something and she's still not in love with the emperor. Actually, one time they got so drunk that his majesty told her he loved her and she actually came onto him and they slept together, but couldn't remember a thing so they both thought they took advantage of each other. Then FL found of she got pregnant because of this one night, ran away, had a baby in secret and it turned out it's not only a boy (first born son of the emperor) but also looks exactly like the emperor. He goes to visit her unexpectedly and she tells him about the child. Or course he's super happy - but she wants to die and even kinda hates this child - she wanted to abort it but didn't do it because it was a child of a royal blood. ML gets emotional and finally says he loves her but she starts crying and she told him that this is the first time that she hates being a woman and that his majesty made her feel this way. She doesn't want to marry him cause it will take away everything she's got so far (the name Winter he gave her and other things she accomplished) and even tho she seems to be attracted to the emperor physically (she couldn't stop thinking about the night they spent together and kept thinking the emperor was hot lol) she seems to not love him this way at all. I'm just so heartbroken and sad for the emperor, he's truly one of the best MLs I've even encountered and he's hurting so much because of her... She doesn't even like their child, she said she doesn't care what his majesty does with him and she said the child doesn't even feel like her family because it's the prince. I like slow burn but after more than 300 chapters i would think she would at least love the emperor a bit, see him than more than just a superior, maybe consider if she could be happy with him rather than as she is now.............. I really felt so miserable when he told her he loved her when their child was in the same room and she just went "omg I'm so disappointed you made me hate being a woman for the first time in my life" and he even hugged her and apologized and said it was all his fault............... I just can't, I'm not patient enough to wait so long for the FL to open her eyes and fall in love when it's been so many chapters and she's still the same
Sorry for ranting but i love this kind of story and I'm just so pissed that this is going in this way, i don't remember a time when I was feeling so sad and wronged towards the ML and not the FL
His majesty may have looked cruel during war but in private life he really be the purest man out there