I'm in a business school now so it's 10,000€ every year and I can pay by working, it's very modern and people are very smart and cool.
Before, I was at the University in Paris, it's free, there are few courses, but it's really nice. I guess there aren't as many activities as in the United States, but it's still not bad. I don't know what else to compare
The grading system is different, the establishment is smaller than in the United States (or I have clichés that American universities look like the capitol), the tables are different…

10,000€ Every year???? That’s like one semester with the in state tuition I’m crying
I guess that I would have to pay higher since I’m not a citizen.... hmmmm
But since I’m not planning on staying in the US anyway, I’m probably going to finish my bachelor’s degree here and do my master’s abroad.
No you’re correct about most of the bigger universities. Unless they specifically say they are a small college and advertise small class sizes, they are pretty big.
IS HE STARTING THE FUCKING COLLEGE BOARD? IS HE GONNA RIP PEOPLE OFF AND TELL US WE NEED COLLEGE AND MAKE US PAY THOUSANDS FOR IT THAT WE'RE STUCK PAYING OFF FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE? College is a fucking scammmmm how is it okay that it's treated like a business before an actual school? Cause that's how it is if you guys didn't know that by now :/