
Anoni Grrl August 14, 2015 5:55 pm

Just for fun, I looked up the meaning of some names. I can’t decide whether they are ironic or not.

Kouhei (Karino): Justice, fairness and equality

Yuuya (Azusa): Wealthy one.

Atsumu: To gather, to congregate

Natsuki (Kuze): This is a pain in the butt, because it depends on the kanji. I started to go through the raws, but I simply do not have the skill to spot which kanji is his first name. Possibilities include: summer ____ [rare/life/hope/yearning…etc.], greens, moon, rich beautiful moon, and reminisce. Without knowing why, I’m guessing he’s hope and yearning.

Tatsumi: Another hard one. Could be imperial dragon or snake. Could be “accomplished”. Could be a lot of things.

I stopped there, because the names may not mean anything at all. I find it funny though.

    Kiss* August 14, 2015 6:47 pm

    omg I did the same thing XD but I didn't find the meaning of Karino. I like the meaning of's ironic though,both for karino and azusa as characters >.>

    Anoni Grrl August 14, 2015 7:44 pm
    omg I did the same thing XD but I didn't find the meaning of Karino. I like the meaning of's ironic though,both for karino and azusa as characters >.> Kiss*

    Hey, we have to do something to entertain ourselves. I noticed that Atsumu is the only one I think of by his first name, Is it just me, or do the characters in the manga do that too?

    Kiss* August 14, 2015 8:00 pm
    Hey, we have to do something to entertain ourselves. I noticed that Atsumu is the only one I think of by his first name, Is it just me, or do the characters in the manga do that too? Anoni Grrl

    I've noticed that too. In general, Japanese people will address people by their last name if they are anything but good friends.
    I found this online:
    Japanese, in general, has a lot of emphasis placed on politeness, and showing proper respect. It is possible to insult someone simply using the wrong form of address - which is why many anime series use this as a comedy device.

    In general, first names are used in the following situations:
    * Lovers, girlfriend/boyfriend, S.O - these are people who are close, and on an equal "level".

    * Younger family members, like your little sister or brother. They, however, would address you as "older sister/brother".

    * Close friends - we're talking "BFF" type of friends here.

    Otherwise, it's very common to use people's last name - even if they're otherwise rather close. Switching from last name to first name can denote a large step forward in the relationship between those two characters in terms of familiarity. Think of the phrase "Mr. Thompson is my father's name. Just call me Joe." as a loose equivalent in English.

    Anoni Grrl August 14, 2015 8:26 pm
    I've noticed that too. In general, Japanese people will address people by their last name if they are anything but good friends.I found this online:Japanese, in general, has a lot of emphasis placed on politene... Kiss*

    So Tatsumi is probably a close friend to Karino but not a bother because he called him by the first name.

    Also it's Kuze that's always calling Atsumu by his first name--that's why I do it. Atsumu still calls Kuse by his last name though.

    Anoni Grrl August 14, 2015 8:34 pm
    So Tatsumi is probably a close friend to Karino but not a bother because he called him by the first name.Also it's Kuze that's always calling Atsumu by his first name--that's why I do it. Atsumu still calls Kus... Anoni Grrl

    Oh, and in chapter 8, Azusa switched from "Kusakbe" to "Atsumu" when he puts his arms around Atsumu and tells him to "come here" (or whatever your translation says). Azusa doesn't do that with Karino--not that Karino would ask him to use his first name.

    Kiss* August 14, 2015 9:26 pm
    Oh, and in chapter 8, Azusa switched from "Kusakbe" to "Atsumu" when he puts his arms around Atsumu and tells him to "come here" (or whatever your translation says). Azusa doesn't do that with Karino--not that ... Anoni Grrl

    I think he did it to make Karino jealous...and he did. Also,Kuze calls kusakabe by his own name as way of manipulation,but kusakabe never called him by his first name, Karino is the King and Azusa is the target,it would be out of place (considering the game),also Karino wants to control Azusa and be above it makes sense this way,for now of course XD

    LevixEren August 20, 2015 10:14 am

    Wow you even search through the Kanji to find their name meaning! Indeed Karino & Azusa meaning are ironic. Maybe Yuuya mom gave him name Yuuya in hope that Yuuya will be great wealthy in the future. His mom said that he is the fastest at running and always had good grade. Don't know if yuuya still has good grade after high school

    Anoni Grrl August 20, 2015 6:37 pm
    Wow you even search through the Kanji to find their name meaning! Indeed Karino & Azusa meaning are ironic. Maybe Yuuya mom gave him name Yuuya in hope that Yuuya will be great wealthy in the future. His mo... LevixEren

    LOL I tried--but I don't know enough about kanji to really do that. I go by what I find on the Interent.

    I think you are right--Azusa's mom wanted him to be wealthy and Karino's dad wanted him to be a government minister (so "fairness" and "justice" sounded good).

    I've also been worried about Azusa's grades. It wouldn't be out of character for Karino to completely destroy Azusa's future even if it is for a game.

    LevixEren August 20, 2015 6:50 pm
    LOL I tried--but I don't know enough about kanji to really do that. I go by what I find on the Interent.I think you are right--Azusa's mom wanted him to be wealthy and Karino's dad wanted him to be a governmen... Anoni Grrl

    I hope Azusa doesn't fall in love with Karino. Even in ch 3 & 4 he almost fall for him. I hope to see him to has great future. My gawd his life with his mom is just miserably sad

    Anoni Grrl August 20, 2015 8:25 pm
    I hope Azusa doesn't fall in love with Karino. Even in ch 3 & 4 he almost fall for him. I hope to see him to has great future. My gawd his life with his mom is just miserably sad LevixEren

    Well, I feel for people who still ship Karino and Asuza, and I admit that I started shipping him with Atsumu only because I think it would serve both semes right if they ukes got together and really turned the tables.

    I guess right now I am more of an Azusa fan than I am any kind of a shipper. That's odd, because usually I ship characters the author isn't even thinking about having in a romance. I'm always looking for secret slash cues. This is a Yaoi full of MM sex, and all I can think about is how I want Azusa to do better.

    LevixEren August 20, 2015 8:50 pm
    Well, I feel for people who still ship Karino and Asuza, and I admit that I started shipping him with Atsumu only because I think it would serve both semes right if they ukes got together and really turned the ... Anoni Grrl

    Yup. I m totally azusa fans. I hope he has happy life inside & outside school.
    I hope he can has a normal relationship with atsumu whether it's as good friend or as couple. I just hope azusa being happy.
    Also, it will be good if Karino can be fall in love to azusa but azusa doesn't love him back and azusa live his life in better way than he is now. You got Serve karino!! Seme should get some psychological punishment.