I'm very sorry to hear this has happened to you :( I would just try and talk to your parents about how you're not really comfortable about being touched.
I know it's hard but you should try and tell them, or a professional (so a psychologist, online options also exist, some even free if money is an issue) because this could already be a sign of PTSD and won't get better if you don't get treated for it.
Just be clear to people who are close to you that you don't mind them touching you as long as you give them consent. Try and find someone you can talk to irl about this because this isn't some small situation, I hope you've reported this to the authoroties or tried to at least. Even though it's hard, there's many people like you who've been through the same situation.
Maybe it would be good for you to find a place where victims can talk and support each other? Like some kind of community, I'm sure you'll be able to find it somewhere! Lot's of luck and I hope you'll be able to process the whole situation so it won't hurt as much anymore :)
hello, hope y'all are doing good !
just here to ask some advices cuz i don't really have friends to ask it.
Because of a trauma (ngl i was raped) i don't like being touched but my parents don't understand that and it freaks me out, i feel like crying every time someone touches me without my consent. Do you have any tips to make them stop touching me without having to tell them i was raped ? :(
thank u so much<3 i know it's not the place but it's the only place i can ask
sorry for my bad eng ;(