
Sac of ramen noodles December 13, 2020 8:58 pm

That was disgusting. I actually hate the seme now for that. Why would you do that when the other twin came like r u good. And nobody’s talkin bout it or addressing it??? It’s prolly cause that other twin treats the MC poorly but they r both rape victims except one is handling it better than the other and clearly it’s terrible cause we all read that fuckin chapter. he literally threw up and tears came outta his eyes cause he saw his brother having sex. Which triggered his trauma. And none of y’all better not tell me sum ohhh the seme doesn’t know or wats that gotta do with him. This man is a whole rich person who knows the history of both of them and wats happened to the twins. He’s disgusting omg bye and he rlly like gave the brother who was abt to come into the house a look to purposely provoke him..... like um Chile I no longer like this story. Imma need the idol twin to get sum therapy or like find someone who can help him overcome and better ease his trauma so he can work on himself and become a better person and also repair the broken relationship with his brother cause Chile this ain’t it(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    hHmmMmm December 18, 2020 4:13 pm

    Uhm bitch go off. He obviously knows that they were a so called rape victims but what the fuck did he do, he told his brother to seduce the seme for his debut which will obviously lead to sex. What the fuck was he expecting he reached his so called dream and thinks he got there because of his 'efforts'.
    He definitely deserved for his trauma to be triggered he should even be thankful, his brother sold his own body for him and due to circumstances also even got gangraped. None of that would have ever happened if he didn't tell that to his brother
    And to top it off thank God his brother sold his body to such a man if it were some other guy instead you think him getting raped in his childhood was enough to pay for what shit could've happen to his brother
    And you think the act of triggering his trauma was even worthy of hating the seme who loved the uke even more than his brother did
    How pathetic

    Sac of ramen noodles December 19, 2020 5:20 am
    Uhm bitch go off. He obviously knows that they were a so called rape victims but what the fuck did he do, he told his brother to seduce the seme for his debut which will obviously lead to sex. What the fuck was... hHmmMmm

    Gurl Hol up cause I ain’t think of that. The way a bitch don forgot bout that damn. But I’m still upset cause the idol brother needs to work on himself cause yeah he’s a bitch but he’s fucked up. He needs help gurl. They both Do, Chung and Hong. I still find the seme gross ma’am, like I’m not hatin hatin on him but that part upset me I’m srry. Ion know like if you like someone wouldn’t you want like their family to be good as well like. Ik Ik Ik the idol twin is a bitch and I would’ve probably beaten his ass and especially the way he treats Chung it makes sense why the seme wouldn’t even care for him &hate him but like Chung still loves his twin, so I’d like think Yk like wat I mean. Also also u say “none of that would’ve never happened if he didn’t tell that to his brother” where you’re referring to MC seducing the seme n shit but gurl like do u rlly think thats the case. This fine mofo has been searching for him madam SEARCHING. He would’ve gotten his hands on him either way and trust me I’m not tryna diminish the fact that the idol twin told his brother to do that cause miss ma’am that DISGUSTANG and I rlly can’t believe I forgot bout that but I’m tryna say that like it’s not like it would’ve “never happened” if you know wat i mean. But again I’m not tryna like forget bout it.

    Sac of ramen noodles December 19, 2020 6:34 am
    Uhm bitch go off. He obviously knows that they were a so called rape victims but what the fuck did he do, he told his brother to seduce the seme for his debut which will obviously lead to sex. What the fuck was... hHmmMmm

    Gurl I’m Srry I’m finna bother u for a bit wtf is goin awhn why this shit gettin so confusing madam-?? Like I just read the new chapter n why was Hong like “since when did u start selling ya body like dat” gurl my brain malfunctioning rn like I thought this man don told him too. My guess is that he’s just actin like a hoe n bein an asshole but like gurl did I miss sum(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Bl_pasta December 23, 2020 3:33 pm
    Uhm bitch go off. He obviously knows that they were a so called rape victims but what the fuck did he do, he told his brother to seduce the seme for his debut which will obviously lead to sex. What the fuck was... hHmmMmm

    Omg yes, say it louder for the people in the back. Hong just needs someone to hate, someone to blame his misery on cause he's too much of an asshole to accept that he's a shitty piece of shit person. He doesn't deserve to be mc's brother. Seme has more love for mc than Hong ever did.