someone please explain to me about the timeloop theory

tharntype December 13, 2020 12:39 pm

someone please explain to me about the timeloop theory

    your helper December 13, 2020 10:52 pm

    time doesnt work the same in aot in this world. the future could effect the past and again the pain could affect the future sso its kind of a loop. that a short bague explanation i recommened seraching this on youtube because they have a very good and detailed explanation for this than i can rovide myself. (anime only, still a detailed start to understand it) (manga chapter 121, confirmation)

    the manga is obviously still not finshesd so this is not a full exlanation but you can branch of from these videos and find new once if you dont ffully get the theory by then.

    Nakisa December 14, 2020 6:17 am

    The manga's gonna end on Eren woking up wondering why Mikasa's hair are so long sjwjsjwksisjs