idk where u got that nuah raped him. every single time theyve had sex nuah asks rix before to make sure hes ok with doing it. then while theyr're doing it nuah asks like 583928 more times if rix is feeling hurt and if they should stop, he doesn't even put it all the way in and does exactly what rix asks for in sex so rix can feel comfortable. also keep in mind the only reason theyre having sex is to save rix from getting raped night after night

Where tf did u get “Nuah raped Rix”. Nuah and Rix discussed WHY they were having sex before they ever did it. Nuah never forced anything on Rix. In the beginning, he was suppressing the curse by being in his divine beast form, but they couldn’t travel with his divine beast form and that’s how they got to sex. Please re-read the story before claiming that Nuah raped him

Okay i kind of get where you're coming from by saying that nix is not in a healthy state of mind to say if he likes sex with Nuah, but remember that at the start of their relationship nuah could read his mind and what's his feeling so if Rix felt even the tiniest bit of discomfort or insecurity im sure Nuah would have stopped and looked for another way to stop his curse

Ermmm, I didn't write a dissertation, its just an opinion. I never claimed it was this big thing, I just said Maybe...and if you think about it clearly, you'll remember how much Rix hated sex initially but knew he had to do it to keep the demon at bay...I just said that there's no way that he's decisions henceforth isn't marked by trauma cause even though he didn't initially care for Nuah, he let him get close...
I know we are all cheering for Rix and Nuah but let's be straight here... does Rix have a healthy state of mind in deciding if he likes sex with Nuah or not?.. This man was raped daily continuously for weeks??? months??? then Nuah came along and raped? or in the least there was a dubious consent going on there.. After continuous forced interactions, they became close.... All I'm saying is that I don't think Rix has the mental strength to 100% say his taste in bedfellow is not marked / determined by trauma