That was surprisingly cute but that ending.... though I have to say the story in itself ma...

alrkitty August 10, 2015 2:01 pm

That was surprisingly cute but that ending.... though I have to say the story in itself makes no sense at all if you really think about the details though I'm not talking about the mother and paranormal factors. more like the fact that she is still a child that has no proof of adult hood let alone any means of taking care of herself and her little brother.

    alrkitty August 10, 2015 2:11 pm

    well what I mean is things like a birth certificate or a photo id she would have to forge those things. Also she currently has no money as far as we now and its not like her mother was rich she was a struggling manga artist. She would more than likely have to rely on the guy but the story doesn't go into that.