Many Japanese BL manga have really good drawing(of course Chinese manhua too) and many(som...

Takao_801 December 11, 2020 11:39 pm

Many Japanese BL manga have really good drawing(of course Chinese manhua too) and many(some times too much) sex scene but NO PLOT or don’t have a good plot meanwhile there are Chinese BL that have a good plot but because of the censorship we can’t have any sex scene and something not even a kiss scene or censor a f*cking kiss and it’s so so so so frustrating (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Lostdonut December 12, 2020 9:15 am

    pretty sure kiss is in fact censored , even in straight series. They find ways to block it so u cant see the two lips touching...
    hidden behind curtains so u only see shadows. the slower on tippy toe and leans in but the pannel cuts off from the chin. A petal happens to flew by in the foreground the exact second and covered up the lips...

    you think these censorship laws are made by 8 year olds who thinks kissing give you cooties or something ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bloomie December 12, 2020 5:34 pm
    pretty sure kiss is in fact censored , even in straight series. They find ways to block it so u cant see the two lips touching...hidden behind curtains so u only see shadows. the slower on tippy toe and leans i... Lostdonut

    Right? It's so weird. What do they think is going to happen if people see kissing in a webcomic? Will society crumble or something? LOL
    Do they censor other media like that, or is it just comics?

    Takao_801 December 13, 2020 12:27 am
    pretty sure kiss is in fact censored , even in straight series. They find ways to block it so u cant see the two lips touching...hidden behind curtains so u only see shadows. the slower on tippy toe and leans i... Lostdonut

    Omg really? That’s crazy ahah...I didn’t know as I don’t read het manhua.
    But is weird because in drama there are always kiss scene and they don’t censor’s don’t make any sense lol kiss in manhua no and in drama yes??
    I really hope in the future China will being less restricted

    bloomie December 13, 2020 3:08 pm
    Omg really? That’s crazy ahah...I didn’t know as I don’t read het manhua. But is weird because in drama there are always kiss scene and they don’t censor’s don’t make any sense lol kiss in ma... Takao_801

    That is odd, for sure. Maybe it has something to do with moving vs. static images? And for some reason it's okay to have kissing in live action shows but not animated? It sounds complicated, huh. (?_?) The censorship is pretty ridiculous any way we look at it! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭