Even with or without context it's something shitty to say, but that's the thing, that all the things listed on the box was shit people say
The manga in itself has a great idea but I do understand that it made you uncomfortable and IT IS WRONG, that does not mean all the manga in itself develops in a line of racism
It is quite good and you can enjoy it

I agree, its still a little confusing to me about the context of the manga, the story if I'm remembering correctly really had no link with the offensive phrase so like there was no need for it to be added. It might all be a miscommunication and bad translations. Everyone makes mistakes and its not really for us to say what the author was thinking or the translator. So eh

Plz don't listen to them. They are being insensitive to the topic of the conversation so take what they are saying to the importance of a grain of salt. But it's easier to understand what they mean when you take into consideration what they are also saying. It might be a translation error or the translator being racist and other forms of mistakes. We just might never know.

Then you're saying like you gonna cancel the story for that's just words that didn't even have a meaning gljeez it doesn't even sound racist y'all cannot live in this world if your that sensitive... Stop reading this manga if you don't like the words here jeez you're just making a scene here....... Be realistic not everyone will adjust I really hate being oart of genz honestly full of sensitive kids who don't even know what real life is. Your not in some kind os fantasy word where everyone is kind to everyone accept that you will not survive life if you don't know how to be insensitive and strong sometimes arrgghhhhhh come to you're senses this is reality.
I clicked off as soon as I saw that "Africans are savages" line. This is just completely racist. Idc how good you guys say the story is, I can't look past this.
Edit: I can't believe I have to say this but how the hell is "For example, how high school graduates are below university graduates, For example how Type B blood types are self-centered, For example how unmarried people are losers," in anyway on the same level as "For example how Africans are savages?!" Pray tell. There are any number of lines she could've used in place of that. Those 3 are just useless, harmless "stereotypes" that hurt NO ONE vs something that has gotten people of African descent killed for centuries!! And I'm not supposed to have a problem with it?! Read the fucking manga if you want, I never said you couldn't but don't tell me I'm being sensitive as if I'm putting a gun to your head to prevent you from reading this mangaka's work again. Please grow up people! Once again, thank you to the people with brains who can understand shit even if it doesn't affect them directly.