Everyone are asking why Nakyum just don’t tell he as kidnapped and passed by a really tr...

Lalalulu December 11, 2020 7:51 pm

Everyone are asking why Nakyum just don’t tell he as kidnapped and passed by a really traumatic experience. It’s Because Seungho would not believe in him anyway, he is already convinced of his own paranoias. moreover he has already abused psychologically, physically and raped Nakyum more than once, it is not as if there is a great bond of trust there.
Seungho is mad crazy, something terrible wrong is going on his mind, and he doesn’t give a fuck about get himself together, he just keep using his position to make everyone around him miserable. I see people saying that hes sick as an excuse, but be sick doesn’t give u the right to do what u want and destroy someone’s life.
The great miracle on that story is Nakyum’s mental health, I mean, how much more that boy can take without falling apart? If I was him I would had killed myself long time ago.
I ask miself if people who make this kind of comment even tries put themselves on his place or had the ability to feel empathy

    vibes December 11, 2020 8:14 pm

    I mean...he’s not being sick to ruin everyones lives, he’s ruining everyone’s lives BECAUSE he’s sick. It’s not intentional. Seungho needs serious help. Screw it—they both do at this point.

    If this was modern day, SH would be on several anti-psychotic medications, understand? The worse thing about having a mental illness is that society wants you to pretend that you don’t.

    Lalalulu December 11, 2020 8:36 pm
    I mean...he’s not being sick to ruin everyones lives, he’s ruining everyone’s lives BECAUSE he’s sick. It’s not intentional. Seungho needs serious help. Screw it—they both do at this point.If this ... vibes

    He is still responsible for his own actions, he is far being considered incapable. He has the capacity for rational thinking, that is obvious, and he has a notion of the consequences of his actions despite impulsive tendencies. He is far from a guy who can be considered amoral. when he hurts, he does it with intent, either as revenge, either to protect his ego or even to impose his position. it is far from an unintentional action
    Defending his attitudes with this excuse is an affront to the mentally ill.
    Time is also a bad excuse here, I'm sure at the time of history being raped was shit. If it were to be done with him, he wouldn't want to.
    If history has the slightest commitment to reality Nakyum will come out of this with so many traumas that not even Freud would be able to catalog them all

    some perv December 11, 2020 9:12 pm

    Yes, love your comment. This is spot on.

    some perv December 11, 2020 9:23 pm
    I mean...he’s not being sick to ruin everyones lives, he’s ruining everyone’s lives BECAUSE he’s sick. It’s not intentional. Seungho needs serious help. Screw it—they both do at this point.If this ... vibes

    Having a mental illness is not an excuse or a pass to hurt people. Seungho is responsible for his action and when he (repeatedly) whipped out his dick to rape Na-Kyum, it was intentional. He has a mental illness but most of all he's violent, selfish and a criminal which is why he's done all these awful things to other people.
    His mental illness is not to blame. It's his personality and the choices he made that are to blame for everything that has happened
    On the other hand, the only help Na-Kyum needs is to get away from this twisted individual that keeps traumatising him. Speaking of traumas, Na-Kyum has plenty of them by now and we don't see him raping or assaulting people. If anything, what he's gone through has made him even more empathetic to the struggles of other people.