Kyousuke is just being very possessive and worried that smn might take Ryo from him. Ryo is kind to everyone and he is worried that Ryo's kindness will trouble Ryo one day. Ryo is just so clueless like Kyousuke told Ryo to be careful around that guy but still Ryo brushed it away thinking nothing will happen (tho if I was in Ryo's place, I'd listen to Kyousuke, that megane guy looks sus af and I don't like him smh). So what I am saying is that Ryo is still super dense for that communication unless some incident triggers smth in Ryo to understand Kyousuke.

right, i agree. like i don't mean this in a bad way but ryo should understand that his kindness is kinda making kyousuke feel scared or worried for the best. people might take immense amount of chances from his open nature which will just make their relationship go through a hard time. ryo should listen to kyousuke, not saying that he should stay under him but should listen to him if he says somethin about their relationship and discuss the matter carefully not just brush it away like nothin
kyousuke should tell ryo, it feels like they have this huge communication gape between them, that's all i have to say for now