Not a fan of this kinda rep

Eyo it's ya boi December 11, 2020 9:20 am

Gay people already have a hard time, I don't know if I want to read this. There's no reason why her cousin is a man, it just feels like the author hating on homosexual couples? Idk, should I keep going?

    Demon December 11, 2020 10:23 am

    i think you are just being oversensetive .. gay people are people not angels so there is bad & good .. to be shown always as the the pure hearted that being mistreated is wrong too cause yeah that's life every thing have two face & view ... actually if you wanna look at it in another way .. because they are in closed community they can't make relationship public & were using the cousin as a cover so it's community fault to begin with

    Eyo it's ya boi December 11, 2020 11:58 am
    i think you are just being oversensetive .. gay people are people not angels so there is bad & good .. to be shown always as the the pure hearted that being mistreated is wrong too cause yeah that's life ev... Demon

    Yeah, I'm oversensitive about this kinda stuff, ty I'll drop this

    mmm December 12, 2020 5:53 am

    that’s saying that gay people can’t be villains. them being gay has nothing to do with it. and the cousin might not even be gay but besides that point a person can be a villain despite their sexuality. separate the person from their sexuality

    xxminixkittyx December 15, 2020 9:47 am

    Yo friend I felt the same way too at first but then I found out the cousin never really loved Gaspal and was never actually gay for him he was just using him. So to me it's not a real relationship that's what helped me see it through and I love the story still