That’s the thing though- it would show a lot more character growth if she goes through the motions with him and ends up deciding to leave those attachments behind, realizing her obsession with him is practically unhealthy and that she needs to change for herself, not the approval of this guy that she’s making out to be greater in her head than what he is in reality. I might be wording this poorly, but in her first life, she spent 3 years depressed over him and let it greatly affect her life. She’s centering her entire self around him. I think that scene where she saw the sisters notebook is somewhat of the first sign that she’s realizing that bullying was bad because of the negative affect on the victim rather than the thought process of “Hersa doesn’t like bullying therefore it’s bad.” By talking to the sister more and more, I hope she truly starts seeing the bad in her actions not because she wants to keep this guy around (selfish reasonings), but because of the impact of the victim to show character growth.
Ideally, I would like to see this story take the route of the following steps: 1) Her initially improving herself to bag Hersa 2) Slowly realizing as she develops true friends & witnesses the consequences of bullying through her ex-friends why those actions were bad morally, rather than “Hersa doesn’t like it so I don’t like it!” 3) Sometime during step 2, a second male lead shows up. Preferably one with a bad past as well who also wants to change & ends up being a strong support for her cause you know there’s going to be a number of misunderstandings between Hersa, her, and the female friend that travels abroad. 4) She bags Hersa or is super close to but realizes that she has been imposing a glorified version on his image and the reality doesn’t match the obsessive imagination. She realizes with her unbalanced mindset, the relationship is unhealthy. 5) She splits with Hersa and truly starts focusing on improving herself for the sake of HERSELF rather than a relationship. 6) She spends some time single and the story ends with an epilogue of one of the following options A) Hersa & her remain friends but have split, ending up second MLs/FLs or random characters we’ve never been introduced to before and never really will be (set in a handful of years in the future) B) Hersa & her spend a couple of years apart. Maybe one goes abroad. They move on with their lives & grow independent for the sake of themselves. After a few years, they reunite as adults and reconnect (either as friends or lovers) with a lot more healthier mindsets and communication skills. In terms of career, I think it would be great if she ended up being a therapist, counselor, or teacher to show her closing the chapter on her bad past and working to help others walk on the right paths in life.
Overall, I think this girl has some major mental issues and needs some serious self-love by focusing on herself in terms of improving herself and living for herself. Not for her mom or Hersa. It’s obvious she had issues before ever meeting Hersa. I feel like Hersa is this weird, unhealthy comfort “item” that she has imprinted on to a negative extent, using him as a distraction from her home life and personal issues. She spent 3 years without seeing him, obsessing over him, & negatively altering her life due to him. You can’t tell me that she’s in the right head space pursuing him right now. Hence why I don’t think engaging in a relationship with him will truly be fulfilling or long lasting.
Sorry for the long comment. Just wanted to share my thoughts. At the end of the day, it is just a story and I bet they’ll go with the simple route of “I’m sorry for my past” -> “self improvements rooted in selfish desire to snag a dude rather than actual self improvement” -> “defeat ex-friends” -> “get new friends and become popular” -> “bags her boy toy” -> “goes through misunderstandings with abroad girl” -> “resolve misunderstands and shag boy toy all night long” -> “the end” (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Ive been reading this it came out, the updating a bit slow but I’m okay with it. I’m glad that she’s changing herself but why do I also wish she end up with someone else new ??