I think YiYi's parents are not asians. There's no Asian parents like YiYi's. Maybe they're...

Yuel December 10, 2020 3:41 pm

I think YiYi's parents are not asians. There's no Asian parents like YiYi's. Maybe they're rare or limited edition? Because if ever im part of LGBTQIA++ my parents will disown me and also not having a profession will disgrace them. I mean being part of LGBTQIA++ is okay nothing's wrong with that same as having no certain profession but my Asian parents wouldn't agree. Lol. Asian struggles

    Bby December 10, 2020 3:47 pm


    cee.cat December 10, 2020 3:52 pm

    Which part are you in Asia tho? In like southeast Asia mainly Philippines, Thailand, we have a lot of limited edition Asian parents here EVERYWHERE

    Taekookisacuteword December 10, 2020 4:30 pm

    Exactly if i ever come out to my parents theyd beat me up n send me to a hospital cos they think homosexuality can be cured then theyll disown me and think about were they went wrong oh n my mom would also do something crazy like maybe kill me ad tyen herself,,,luckily im bi so now imma just have to not fall in love with girl n my life will be smooth (⌒▽⌒)

    Yuel December 11, 2020 6:21 am
    Which part are you in Asia tho? In like southeast Asia mainly Philippines, Thailand, we have a lot of limited edition Asian parents here EVERYWHERE cee.cat

    Philippines. I'm a filipino but i dont have limited edition parents

    Yuel December 11, 2020 6:22 am
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    I want that idea but my parents cant be limited edition grandparents lol

    Yuel December 11, 2020 6:28 am
    Exactly if i ever come out to my parents theyd beat me up n send me to a hospital cos they think homosexuality can be cured then theyll disown me and think about were they went wrong oh n my mom would also do s... Taekookisacuteword

    They think being homosexual is a mental illnes or a symptom of being crazy. Its either they'll send you to church to be nun/priest or to the mental hospital cause they think you lost your shit. And of course they gonna use your conscience to black mail u. "Are we bad parents? Did we do something wrong? Are all our hardship not enough to you?, Didn't we raised with morals? Okay its our fault that you turned out like that *insert fake tears*"smh

    Taekookisacuteword December 11, 2020 8:33 am
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    im part indian i think? (my dads Japanese/chinese and my moms part indian- her mum was indian and dad chinese ) ive sill dont know what to say when ppl ask me about my race lol

    Taekookisacuteword December 11, 2020 8:34 am
    They think being homosexual is a mental illnes or a symptom of being crazy. Its either they'll send you to church to be nun/priest or to the mental hospital cause they think you lost your shit. And of course th... Yuel

    Yeah the blackmail thing is legit

    Yuel December 11, 2020 5:26 pm
    Yeah the blackmail thing is legit Taekookisacuteword

    I dont hate my parents but it doesn't mean i like or im happy with what they're doing. They always blackmail me with our situation, their hardships etc. The thing is they've been blackmailing me since idk when but they dont even realize it. They thought its nothing lol