Why are you all fighting over fiction I... Most BL manhwas have toxic characters that's a ...

Lyn December 10, 2020 7:32 am

Why are you all fighting over fiction I... Most BL manhwas have toxic characters that's a fact. If this isn't your cup of tea don't read it. Like whats the point in arguing with each other. In the end you can't change anything so why torturing yourselves with reading something that makes you uncomfortable. I see this type of ppl/fans everywhere: in book comunities, tv show fandoms etc. literaly every where sigh.

    rukinii1 December 10, 2020 7:39 am

    The point of manhwas and mangas and manhuas are to say your opinions on them, that's an opinion were not forcefully reading it we like it its just an opinion

    Lyn December 10, 2020 8:19 am
    The point of manhwas and mangas and manhuas are to say your opinions on them, that's an opinion were not forcefully reading it we like it its just an opinion rukinii1

    But so many ppl in the comments straight up said they don't like it yet still read it which is baffling to me. Of course opinions are ok but why continue to read something that you don't like? Just to shit on the author and the story or? Like I don't get ppl who do that.

    pandisosoft December 10, 2020 8:21 am
    The point of manhwas and mangas and manhuas are to say your opinions on them, that's an opinion were not forcefully reading it we like it its just an opinion rukinii1

    Yes but people are just straight up being rude, that’s not an opinion. That person is right, if you don’t like it then stop reading it, it’s like me eating someone thing and I don’t like it but I keep eating it..? It makes no sense, yes I could have an opinion on it but I don’t have to be rude about it

    rukinii1 December 10, 2020 8:44 am
    But so many ppl in the comments straight up said they don't like it yet still read it which is baffling to me. Of course opinions are ok but why continue to read something that you don't like? Just to shit on t... Lyn

    Im pretty sure they are giving out their opinions on the characters not the story or the author

    pandisosoft December 10, 2020 3:56 pm
    Im pretty sure they are giving out their opinions on the characters not the story or the author rukinii1

    Okay but judging on what’s happened so far in the story, there’s gonna be A LOT more chapters that are coming out (especially if you read the raws like I do) So there ain’t need to be so critical of the story hasn’t even finished yet, if you get what I mean

    rukinii1 December 11, 2020 11:09 am
    Okay but judging on what’s happened so far in the story, there’s gonna be A LOT more chapters that are coming out (especially if you read the raws like I do) So there ain’t need to be so critical of the s... pandisosoft

    Never was critical except on yawhi but yea