That threesome with Feilong, Asami and Akihito in extra chp was the most glorious thing I ...

Valkyrie August 6, 2015 8:09 pm

That threesome with Feilong, Asami and Akihito in extra chp was the most glorious thing I seen in a while. I'm not sure how many times I re-read this manga. It's like a Bible for yaoi readers. I'm just curious how this doesn't have 10 in votes

    Syndie October 2, 2016 2:02 am
    It's not the same kind of hurting. You really can't compare the two. In the one, it's about minor physical discomfort. In the other, it's about being psychologically tormented. Akihito is still scarred by his t... @Anonymous

    >Asami doesn't really care how Akihito feels about it
    Indeed. And this example is only the tip of the iceberg on how deranged their relationship is. It's hard to comprehend how revered this couple is by it's fans. It's no wonder yaoi fans have such a bad reputation, when the majority are mindless sheep who accept this nonsense purely for the fanservice.

    Syndie October 2, 2016 2:14 am
    Only part I like about that extra is asami came to ball his wife out of the predicament he was into. The rest don't really care. However, you,re blaming asami for not doing anything to prevent it and the way ... @Really

    Wow, you really just put the blame on Akihito for what happened. This is literally like blaming a rape victim for wearing a skirt too short.
    >asami won't tolerate
    So, this rapist, Asami has a right to expect respectful behaviour from his Stockholm syndrome suffering victim?
    Please get out of your yaoi bubble fantasy, fix your grammar and kys.

    LF June 16, 2017 2:35 pm

    Good morning! I also believe that it is a non-canon chapter; Not pleasant for Akihito, but definitely not canon; Also the image of Aki sitting in the middle of Asami and Fei has no connection with the main story.

    LF June 16, 2017 2:50 pm

    Sorry, it's clearly a story that fits in a sort of alternative universe! According to you, after what happened in Hong Kong, Feilong decides to go on holiday in Tokyo? And casually in that same period Arbatrov also comes. And then: Mikhail does not enter the hall with Yuri?

    ねえねえ June 16, 2017 3:16 pm

    Wow that's quite the old thread to bring back haha.

    LF June 16, 2017 3:42 pm

    As for the dynamic, I see no sort of triangle!
    Sense "jokes", and makes extreme and exaggerated features of characters, as if it were a parody:
    1- Sensei Exaggerates Asami's selfishness and hardness
    2- Exaggerates Akihto's tendency to be always in trouble (note that then all Russian mafiosi arrive, poor Aki)
    3- Exaggerates the tendency of Feilong to interfere with their relationship.
    4- Esagera Asami's tendency and Fei to be in rivalry.

    It's like a parody of everything VF!

    PS: Many of you know that I love Fei. But I have to admit that here he does not make us a good figure: Asami does not consider it a "danger" or a "threat" for him and Aki. It's as if Fei, instead of two Asami, I do not know how to explain ...

    LF June 16, 2017 4:14 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Mathina

    You are right! Good! I also think Yuri is actually acting against Mik ... is a good idea for the plot!

    Anonymous June 26, 2017 10:28 am
    It's not the same kind of hurting. You really can't compare the two. In the one, it's about minor physical discomfort. In the other, it's about being psychologically tormented. Akihito is still scarred by his t... @Anonymous

    Well, I don't know but when one party does not want it but the other still forces him to do it anyway, it's still called RAPE!

    Valkyrie June 26, 2017 7:00 pm

    lmao VF really has a really dedicated fanbase, it's a 2 year old topic and still going. I'm still into this threesome tho, I ship it hard. And idk what are you guys talking about because Aki always secretly desired Fei and I guess that's what pissed Asami off and challenged Aki to do it.

    LadyLigeia June 26, 2017 7:20 pm
    lmao VF really has a really dedicated fanbase, it's a 2 year old topic and still going. I'm still into this threesome tho, I ship it hard. And idk what are you guys talking about because Aki always secretly des... Valkyrie

    Yeah, I saw it in that way many times, it's better to be honest while talking about Finder and the kind of sexual fantasies represented in the story. ^_~
    All those moments of 'forced sex' have their meaning. I remember a gay critic and journalist if I'm not mistaken who criticized horrible this story saying something that he would like to talk with the author of this manga to know her ideas about sex freedom in Japan (sexual desire released by means of figurative violence). He addressed Finder as a 'jumble of pornomafiosi' I confess that I laughed like crazy with this. (≧∀≦)(≧∀≦)

    Anonymous June 26, 2017 7:49 pm
    lmao VF really has a really dedicated fanbase, it's a 2 year old topic and still going. I'm still into this threesome tho, I ship it hard. And idk what are you guys talking about because Aki always secretly des... Valkyrie

    Akihito has always secretly wanted Fei ??????(⊙ ⊙ ...)

    Valkyrie June 26, 2017 8:09 pm
    Akihito has always secretly wanted Fei ??????(⊙ ⊙ ...) @Anonymous

    That's the beauty of a fiction. everyone views part of the stories differently, that doesn't mean we're both in the wrong. I didn't state that as a fact just more how i perceived it, with some lil hints during their story. Same goes with Asami, Aki always fights him but does that mean Asami always rapes Aki? I ain't saying he would go for everyone but I felt whilst reading the story Aki is attracted to Fei somewhat. And let's not forgeting it, this is a fiction only and very far off being realistic so you shouldn't view stuff like this realistically too.

    Valkyrie June 26, 2017 8:12 pm
    Yeah, I saw it in that way many times, it's better to be honest while talking about Finder and the kind of sexual fantasies represented in the story. ^_~All those moments of 'forced sex' have their meaning. I r... LadyLigeia

    Yes exactly, but you know this kind of stories will always make someone butthurt (no pun intended). Geez people really don't realize it's a story and not representation of how sex should be viewed in real life. Besides real life in Japan is far more perverted and twisted than anything in this story. and LOL pornomafiosi (someone is jealous of Asami) haha

    LadyLigeia June 26, 2017 9:16 pm
    Yes exactly, but you know this kind of stories will always make someone butthurt (no pun intended). Geez people really don't realize it's a story and not representation of how sex should be viewed in real life.... Valkyrie

    He said something like this (I will try to translate it the best I can): 'And like God wants this jumble of pornomafiosi ends like this... for now.'
    After the first part of the NT arc. (≧∀≦)

    LF June 26, 2017 9:26 pm
    That's the beauty of a fiction. everyone views part of the stories differently, that doesn't mean we're both in the wrong. I didn't state that as a fact just more how i perceived it, with some lil hints during ... Valkyrie

    Dear, everybody really sees what he wants. Feilong is a beautiful man, maybe Akihito is sometimes blushed, but ...... his comment makes sense that Akihito .... besides Asami would like Fei. This is no canon in my opinion ...

    Anonymous August 8, 2018 9:45 am

    I know this is an old topic but just want to say that the threesome even as an extra is terrible for me.
    It is surely not canon. And all it was about: Asami degrading both Akihito and Feilong. It is obvious with Aki, but with Fei it was degrading because he again mocked him for his attraction towards him, and very obviously taunted him that he will never get what he wants.
    Also, just a thought, but if Asami lets all of this happen, just because it is "competition" that means he cares more about the competition and about Fei than about Aki. I doubt this fits anywhere in the story. For people who only want sex its ok i guess, but otherwise blah.