Thank you! T h a n k y o u! So many people have said that Jaewon is selfish etc etc like just keep reading. I think it is obvious that although he has amnesia, he has so many underlying fears and mental health conditions stemming from a past he barely even remembers. After I read the raws I was like OH THAT’S WHY! He is also used to internalizing everything. A lot of people with mental health conditions “disassociate”, ESPECIALLY people with ptsd. I think he definitely disassociates due to it.

He is selfish but that doesn't mean he is a bad person theu keep ignoring the fact that he had such truma that can make anyone go crazy and they make the excuse that if he had a bad past he should try to be better, but I believe that he is doing pretty well for all the things that happened, at least he isn't insane.

(Lmao I always find it so interesting/off that the comments just say uke/seme like names don’t exist)
As long as it's not seke, it makes sense haha and I often use uke/seme because korean names are quite hard for me to memorize (the sounds are way too different from the usual sounds on my mother language). I can remember japanese names, but korean and chinese ones are waaay harder ( ̄∇ ̄") and I never labeled them using their sexual positions with the intention to be rude. As for the rest of the text, I 1000% agree and I think people should try to see not only the characters here but all the misinterpreted/misunderstood ones considering that the author tried to portrait the human psychological as it is - with lots of shades of gray - and not as a simple blackxwhite duality. Most readers try to classify character's actions as right or wrong but forget that their own behavior isn't as simple as that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
(Lmao I always find it so interesting/off that the comments just say uke/seme like names don’t exist)
Jaewons phsychology is so interesting..I’ve read the raws and him showcasing his need of fulfillment to fill the void due to the abuse he suffered through an egg was really interesting. Of course the egg not only represents himself but the way his father forced him to eat an abundance of them. That trauma made him associate eggs with painful feelings, he feels the same way about himself. he often feels out of body, self hating, and most noticeably—empty. Even before he recovers his memories he feels this way.
His guilt towards what he did to his father was also interesting to see, his anger was justified but he’s so afraid of being abandoned because he doesn’t view himself as redeemable. I found it heartbreaking that even not knowing what he had done, Jaewon suffered from depression for a long time. I also found it heartbreaking that, from what I understand, his amnesia also effected his memories of his father. Once he remembers what he did he starts to distance himself from jung because he sees himself as a monster(even when the father deserves it). The fact that he views all his relationships as so fragile, that either they’re not worth it or afraid that one fuck up could ruin everything is so disheartening to see. I look forward to seeing his recovery to self love .