You are definitely right. It's not time for Doyun to be pregnant, it's still too early. I don't know what will be revealed in season 3, and I can't tell how much "drama" is going to happen, but I do know they both really like each other, love as Eunsoo said but they haven't said it to each other yet (not soberly at least) I also think this next season will be much longer than this one was. I think it's going to get more complicated but all in all, I think they will end up just fine and be the sweet couple they have been. :)

I agree! I think with a relationship anyways in reality there are up and downs, and I expect it, I just hope things aren’t too rushed although this author is good at keeping things rolling. I know this one will end happy, this one is pretty fluffy especially in comparison to the author’s previous works that I have read. I think maybe the author’s previous works is what keeps me on edge. LOL but thank you for easing my worries a bit I like hearing what other’s opinions and thoughts are.

I think I have a more "naive optimism" than most here because I've never read from this author before this manhwa. But based on what I've seen others say, I can see why you'd feel nervous. Actually one of my favorite things about this story is that it's written on a mostly "day to day" basis, it feels very relatable somehow. And I really like your comment so I had to comment as well. ^^

HAHA HEY well it’s better to have that sort of optimism especially since this is completely 100% different than their other works which is why people get so paranoid. But I think everything will be fine, the author seems to be enjoying this sort of story from what I can tell. But I agree 100%! So many have a million time skips of like “a month later” or even longer, and I think this sort of flow is easier to read?
Aww as I enjoyed your comment, you’re very easy to talk to!

I feel the exact same way, the straightforwardness is so... refreshing? To say the least. But I agree! Also, what about taehan’s family? Is he wanting to commit 100% to doyun? So many answers. But I wouldn’t be surprised if doyun had more issues especially with developing so late. In my eyes it’s like if someone with a uterus had their period at 25 instead of 12 at least that’s what they make it out to be like health wise.
No problem! Seriously! Sometimes it’s hard to find people wanting to talk on here even just a little.

I always worry I talk too much, so this is very welcome. I really wonder what kind of family Taehan's got, I feel like his family may be the polar opposite of Doyun's. Doyun has been well taken care of and sheltered in his big, seemingly "perfect" family, so I think Taehan may have a lot of family troubles. I really think Taehan wishes he could commit 100% to him, but there's *something* stopping him. I mean, he hasn't brought up marking to Doyun at all. Not a mention of it, even though since the beginning he has always been the one who wanted to do things the "right way" with Doyun. I would absolutely hate it if he pulled back/pulled away now. The author gave us some hints at the beginning of season 2 and now it's almost over but still we have so many questions going into season 3--like Doyun's incredibly fast healing, which isn't a negative but it was odd to Taehan so it's odd to me but especially Taehan's conversation about attending a "meeting" with that guy at the burger place--what was that all about??? And even though we know *why* his eyes turn gold, *why* do they turn gold???

Me too! I feel like I always intimidate people with how much I type. I know people have commented on my posts before saying “I can’t believe I read this essay.” LOL
Yes! Right? I think maybe he and his family don’t get along, they’re strict in a bad way, maybe he doesn’t have any family. But something is up. We have a good feel about doyun, but taehan’s background is shrouded in mystery.
Yes! I agree! Oh my god if that happens, and taehan is like “sorry lemme rethink this” I’d be so pissed. Like, he was the one chasing doyun, not only that but he also is so possessive. I mean it’s great possessive characters are fun but if he gets cold feet I’d freak. You’d think he’d talk in detail with doyun about everything, how seriously ge’s thinking about them, and about marking. I find it weird how incredibly dense doyun is about everything. He didn’t care since his pheromones were wack but in sex ed they should’ve taught him all that stuff.
I am glad there will be a season 3, but I have a knot in my stomach thinking season 2 is gonna end on a weird note. It may not, but I have a strange suspicion.
Yes! He does heal quickly, also he is STRONG and FIT. He is completely different from other omegas and people automatically thought of him as alpha. But why is he built so differently from other omegas?
You’re right! I totally forgot about that! That was strange.
OKAY SO IN OTHER OMEGAVERSE COMICS alpa’s eyes turn gold when they are in rut/excited/etc. I think maybe his turn gold easier than other alphas. They turn gold often and he said it was that way since he was younger. Maybe taehan is a special case too.

Dojun and I would have to beat Taehan up if he ever does something like that to Doyun. I was on instagram and someone posted screenshots of a random bl and I realized that Taehan has never made Doyun disappointed/sad/cry (except for the time Taehan went into heat but he gets a pass for that because he didn't want to hurt him) and if he does I would be so upset!! I don't expect perfection out of him but he himself set the bar so high, like don't make Doyun lower his expectations of you!!
They do have "behind the scenes" conversations that are referred to, like when Doyun said that he had already told Taehan how he never went into heat before that ~special~ day. We never saw that specific coversation, but by saying that, we know that it happened. But the conversations about marking just don't exist! And they *should*, and there's a reason that they don't but I hope it isn't a reason that makes me think twice about their relationship because I love them together so muchhhhhhh
Taehan has been pretty open/honest with him this whole story so if he switches up..! I mean it only took a few chapters before he had the "alpha urge" to possess Doyun--while it took forever for Doyun to want to be possessed by him. I know part of the waiting is because their relationship is so new, and because Doyun is so new to everything but they really do need to talk about this stuff and not just as a background conversation either!
Doyun really must have been an "iljin" or something (Korean word for teen rebel/thug) he *had* to have been skipping school to not know about this stuff!! Maybe they would have taught him at 12, maybe they would have taught him entering high school, or maybe they would have taught him leaving high school but there's no way they wouldn't have taught him nothing at all... right??? Not teaching him until he actually goes into heat sounds... odd. I wonder if it just makes for a funny plot or there's an actual reason why he knows/knew nothing.
This is where fictional science meets actual science. When a woman has a lot of sons, the younger ones tend to have more testosterone because the older sons made it easier for the mom to create a testosterone-friendly environment. So even though Doyun is an omega, him resembling his brothers so much isn't that odd from an actual science standpoint. From a fictional science standpoint, it is weird because there are obviously pretty strict rules on how alphas and omegas look. I don't know if there will be any explanation for this either other than "Doyun is special". And another thing, why do you think Dojun doesn't resemble the other sons?
Oooooh see I didn't know that! This is my first omegaverse manhwa/comic. I was introduced to omegaverse fanfiction in 2013 but the rules back then weren't as fixed as they are now. So it has happened in other manhwas/mangas? That's interesting. Because someone did mention that they saw the doctor's eyes change color once during the side story, but I never paid attention because I'm not really a fan of the side story. ^^'

Count me in if that ever happens I’ll beat up taehan too! BUT YOU ARE RIGHT but still, no “I love you” I think doyen would cry if he said I love you or even brought up marking. But he really did set the bar high! Even if he lowered it for us slightly okay, everyone makes mistakes and has bad days or does stupid shit, but if it’s major i swear imma go monkey.
That is true! As a couple they must’ve talked about a lot especially living together, but the marking may be a priority. Maybe taehan was scared of scaring off doyun because it’s a permanent thing and he saw how doyun was while denying his feelings. I hope that is all. But otherwise if he is thinking twice about this relationship I will cry. AHAHA I love them too they are sooo perfect and you rarely see that.
YES! AAA YES! EXACTLY! AHAHA MAYBE this is, like you said, why taehan is so hesitant about everything. Doyun seems on the outside to be very brash, doesn’t think twice about things, and a muscle head. But when you get to know him he is a ball of anxiety that either worries too much or doesn’t worry enough about the right things. I think taehan knows this, which is why it took so long for doyun to be like “let’s make it official” but from my point of view if doyun wasn’t ready to COMMIT then he’d have stayed platonic. I think this is another thing they need to talk about otherwise taehan won’t understand how serious doyun is.
WOAH WHAT that would make a ton of sense but you’re knowledgeable about this stuff you have thoroughly impressed me. But maybe he was going through some “teenage rebellion” stuff because as we have read, he was being overly protected since a young age by his family, especially his mom and dojun. Like, idk how it is in other cultures but I think I was in elementary school 4th or 5th grade when I was taught sex Ed since everyone gets hit with hormones at different ages. Well, maybe he slept through it or ditched school like you said. I cannot see him being a diligent student and I think his family wouldn’t teach him themselves as they sheltered him for the longest time. I’d expect the doctor to tell him things but I think doyun would be too freaked out by that point.
You keep getting me psyched not so many people look at things logically like that and it makes me feel enthusiastic. LOL but you are right, that makes a ton of sense as to why even as an omega he is still very... manly? Maybe not the right word, but testosterone filled? Hmm but I think this is a difficult question. Hair wise, why is he the only one with black hair? The mom may dye her hair maybe it is black originally but I doubt it. Face wise yeah they’re brothers but his hair and physique are both different.
OH WOW WELL WELCOME to your first omega verse comic this is probably the best one you can read as an introductory one. So many are... I like freaky and psychological comics but they can go nuts. But sadly that’s bl for you. HAHA I’M NOT a fan of the side story either like, if the author made it a literal second comic I’d be into it but I just want more taehan and doyun. But I’ve seen quite a few comics where their eyes turn gold. If it’s black and white, let’s say that the omega says “he’s got the eyes of an alpha” meaning it turned colors. Usually there’s like a snake-like slit in the eye like vampires or demons have. It’s artistic preference.
Heat and run is a good example of this. There are others, but they tend to be wild and not necessarily in the best way. Ironically I still read them, must say a lot about me. LOL

The more people the better, I feel like Tae would be hard to take down I *need* Doyun to cry after Taehan says I love you. Doyun was able to brush off the "I love yous" during Taehan's rut (even though I know Tae meant it 100%) but when he says it again, Doyun's reaction will be priceless. He is always so happy and blissful to do coupley stuff with Taehan.
Yeah I can understand the apprehension if Taehan has some bad history towards serious relationships but he can't keep Doyun in his apartment forever. One of these days he's going to have to mark him... or let him find someone who will. And we know Doyun won't settle for that because he *wants* Taehan! You're right, he's ride or die now that he's comfortable being in a relationship with Taehan so he would also have to do something pretty bad in order for Doyun to actually leave him now.

It cut my message off ugh. Cont:
The more people the better, I feel like Tae would be hard to take down I *need* Doyun to cry after Taehan says I love you. Doyun was able to brush off the "I love yous" during Taehan's rut (even though I know Tae meant it 100%) but when he says it again, Doyun's reaction will be priceless. He is always so happy and blissful to do coupley stuff with Taehan.
Yeah I can understand the apprehension if Taehan has some bad history towards serious relationships but he can't keep Doyun in his apartment forever. One of these days he's going to have to mark him... or let him find someone who will. And we know Doyun won't settle for that because he *wants* Taehan! You're right, he's ride or die now that he's comfortable being in a relationship with Taehan so he would also have to do something pretty bad in order for Doyun to actually leave him now.

Mangago keeps cutting my message off I'm sorry to keep sending this. The more people the better, I feel like Tae would be hard to take down. I *need* Doyun to cry after Taehan says I love you. Doyun was able to brush off the "I love yous" during Taehan's rut (even though I know Tae meant it 100%) but when he says it again, Doyun's reaction will be priceless. He is always so happy and blissful to do coupley stuff with Taehan.
Yeah I can understand the apprehension if Taehan has some bad history towards serious relationships but he can't keep Doyun in his apartment forever. One of these days he's going to have to mark him... or let him find someone who will. And we know Doyun won't settle for that because he *wants* Taehan! You're right, he's ride or die now that he's comfortable being in a relationship with Taehan so he would also have to do something pretty bad in order for Doyun to actually leave him now.
We've seen how Taehan usually gives Doyun what he wants, but never to his detriment as seen in the chapters after his rut where he wouldn't go all the way with Doyun because he didn't want to hurt him anymore. That makes me wonder if Taehan thinks it will be "detrimental" to Doyun's wellbeing(?) if he marks him. Which is usually the opposite but this author... seems to like doing things a little differently.
Hahaha thank you!! Well the people who have taught him the most about being an omega are Taehan and Eunsoo. Eunsoo is always there to give little tips and Taehan... he's got a very "hands on" approach. Of course the point of the story is that Taehan has always been there to help with the large mental load that having puberty in your mid-twenties takes but I like that Doyun depends on him so much, and I know Taehan likes it too, but I don't want this to become something one of them eventually dislikes.
Some people think he could be adopted, but that doesn't make sense. He's just the black sheep, and is made to resemble so. I love him though so I want him to get some happiness. But I'm also not really a fan of giving side couples too much attention because I really like to focus on the main couple. I want there to be more focus on Doyun's and Dojun's relationship though. It was so sweet when they were growing up.
Hey there's nothing wrong with reading some wild things every so often (or maybe more often than not)! Actually the only reason why I stumbled upon this was because I wanted to finally read an omegaverse manhwa but I did not want to read one where the uke looked like a preteen, or the uke had been traumatized in some way. What's crazy is despite this being an omegaverse, Doyun is probably the most well taken care of uke out of all the yaois I have ever read. Loved deeply by his family and loved deeply by his boyfriend. He deserves it!
I do not want doyun to be pregnant yet... why? I want this series to be a bit longer and I don’t think it’s time.
Usually after the omega gives birth there tends to be the end following after soon in omegaverse stories. I want some more romance, some more dates, marking, etc to happen first. Do I want doyun to get pregnant in the long run? FUCK YES he’d be a great mom and so over protective and loving. Taehan would be a great husband and loving father. I think after this drama, learning that he’s pregnant will be stressful for them both, but probably more so for taehan,
Idk I am just paranoid and negative. I am worried that if taehan learns that he impregnated doyun during his rut, he’d not only never forgive himself but he’ll also be more closed off. BUT THAT IS JUST MY THOUGHTS I could be completely wrong. He loves doyun but I feel like he’s also a bit angry at him currently. Not a good situation in my eyes.
Taehan is so emotional, so sensitive. When doyun decided to be with him he put his foot down and decided “whatever happens I’ll be happy bc I love him” but taehan is very paranoid AND VERY POSSESSIVE AND OVERPROTECTIVE.
Plus, in order to mark, doyun needs to be in heat and so does taehan. They need to go at it and boom bite the nape of doyun’s neck. If doyun is pregnant, then it may take a long time. Doyun’s pheromones are already wack so imagine having wack pheromones while PREGNANT.
But all in all, my fears could be wrong and everything could be smooth sailing. I think in a sense they could be fated mates with how doyun was with taehan’s pheromones. But even if not, they are a strong willed couple. I am excited for them to become even more serious. I know for sure doyun will be the one pushing taehan forward and taking the lead in the relationship, which is what will bring taehan’s confidence up in the relationship.