Male: Bug player Trash of the counts family ( though i suggest you read the novel first since the manhwa is still on its early stages lol. Its hype af )
Male:Bug playerTrash of the counts family ( though i suggest you read the novel first since the manhwa is still on its early stages lol. Its hype af ) Cale's Trashcan
Uwu. Can you give me the novel link of the trash of the counts family? Been wanting to find an accurate translation actually because what i found are hard to comprehend. Just broken english.
Uwu. Can you give me the novel link of the trash of the counts family? Been wanting to find an accurate translation actually because what i found are hard to comprehend. Just broken english. Hemwe
Pls recommend me some strong isekai-ed female protagonistor isekai-ed male protagonist. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜