Looking for a certain yaoi?

KyuuChan August 5, 2015 6:49 pm

I read this many years ago, and I've been trying to find it recently.
What I remember, is the story began with a bishounen (I think) where he has sex with this one girl who was complaining that her current boyfriend wasn't doing it right. So he has a threesome with them (but it only shows in a few frames). He then gets bored of the sex, and decides to have a fling.

He grabs a random ojii-san (a salaryman I think) from the train station, drags him to the bathroom and straddles him. Then he leaves, feeling satisfied. He then proceeds to his life of debauchery, but he can't enjoy sex anymore because all he can think about is that ojii-san.

I remember details so much, but I forget the titles. >__<
