Totally agree! It was a lil disturbing getting through the first few chap but then recent chapter w her interaction w her son did die down some of those disturbance. Not that she changed a lot or saying her stalking is ok but more like I guess maybe the author also realize she came off too extreme I’m the beginning so the recent chapters are more toned down and borderline healthy adoreness rather than hardcore stalker. I guess it’s them tryna fix the mistake and trying to put it as character development w/o touching too much of the earlier development. Tho I do like this story tho the art is nice and finally a new father son duo that’s not like millennium ice berg that only treats Mc nice and absolutely ignores his son phew

Okay have you ever been a fan before? Or have you even been in love? If you have a boyfriend or a male idol, and you think their childhood photos are cute, you'll be fangirling too, but without sexual intention, you just think the kid version of them are cute, that's it, it's normal, not creepy.
Ayesha here is even described as merely a fan, she doesn't have sexual intention even for adult abel (if someone find the childhood version of their boyfriend are cute, then it's more normal for ayesha to find child abel's cute, she doesn't even love adult abel in 'sexual way', she's just a fan)... she even shows motherly love for child abel, her sympathy for abel for being abused, the way she hug abel, it's all normal
The only 'abnormal' thing is because she stalks abel, but THE POINT is she's a fan of adult abel, she doesn't become a fan because abel is a child, it's just coincidence that she came to this world when abel is still a child, she stalks him because she's his fan, she became abel's fan because of the novel (where abel is an adult), she doesn't stalk him because he's a child
Talking about stalking, i get that it's creepy for a fan stalking their idol, but the thing is in korean entertaiment (maybe western is like this too, idk), fans usually follows their idols everywhere, devoted fans who have a lot of money attend every fan meeting, every concert in various countries, etc., even international kpop fans who visit korea will come to their agency or their dormitory area just to see the building, and whenever kpop idols visit other countries not for fan meeting/concert but just for holiday or reality show, devoted fans will search the location just to see them (it's creepy how they managed to find the location, but unfortunately that's just the culture in kpop fandom, as long as they don't make a ruckus, just see from afar, and not force their way to get close to the idols, it's still considered normal)
Abel, is not an idol, he doesn't have a fanmeeting, a concert, or anything, but a devoted fan like ayesha obviously want to see him, just like those kpop fans want to see their idol, that's why she follows abel everywhere, but she still can't see him, so she continue to follow him and get caught by hades, sending him luxurious gifts is also considered normal, that's also what kpop fans often do, they can buy forest or actual stars from nasa for their idols (it's true, you can google it)
In short, it's not about she stalks a 10 years old boy, it's about she's stanning her idol (in korean culture), if you find kpop stanning culture is creepy, well yes unfortunately it's creepy, but the author is korean so she write it that way

Sorry i already wrote an essay but i'll add this little note to make it more clear
So in kpop stanning culture
1. Stalking and follows idols just to see them from afar and not get close to them outside official events = normal
2. Stalking idols, hacking their phone, call or message their private phones, try to touch them / try to enter their house without their consent = creepy
Ayesha is the first type, maybe you still found her creepy, but she's normal in korean stanning culture

But well you know, she get to know abel for real now, so she doesn't need to stalk him anymore, so she's not problematic anymore right? And we can see that she start to behave like a mother rather than a fan, so it's okay now, but for me it's still okay to see her fangirl side, it's not like she's fangirling in sexual way or something
Someone in the old comments said that it's creepy to see ayesha fainted because of abel's cuteness, while that scene meant to be comical and it happens a lot in asian comics (manga, manhwa, manhua)

thanks for replying, i really wanted to know the other side :)
i never said she thought of either version of abel sexaully, i don't think shes a pedo or anything, it was clear to me that she saw him in a platonic way, i understand that shes a fan of the adult version but i don't see the argument on how that changes the circumstances?? i highlighted that she was stalking a 10 year old because that is very creepy because they are very defenseless and i know she didn't have those intentions but i felt like a lot of comments were trying to normalize this behavior which i was not ok with. stalking is not ok whether the person who another is stalking is of age or not, its just worse if they are younger.
i personally am not into kpop or 'fangirl' culture so thanks for sharing that, I'm not condemning the author since i knew they didn't have mal intentions with what they were writing. i do personally find it creepy and i was getting irritated with people who were stating that she was not doing anything wrong, i wanted people to be aware that ayeshas behavior was very inappropriate, no matter if she was a fan or not, that is not enough justification to stalk someone. (maybe the normalization in fandom culture played a part in this too and i wish people wouldn't impede on idols privacy like that)
I'm not really sure what your argument was since i was saying her behavior was creepy and you seemed to agree with the added fact that she liked adult abel first which i feel like changes almost nothing.

im not really sure what this is trying to say since you contradict yourself in the two points, one time you said stalking is ok and then another you said it was creepy. i don't think there's an argument to say stalking is not creepy, it is word with an innate bad connotation so when you use it you are indicating it is a bad behavior.
also to address another comment, you are focusing a lot on how this is not sexual but even if you take away that part it is still not ok?? its ok now since she has an est. relationship with abel but the way she got it made me uncomfy.

Sorry, sorry i repeatedly emphasized on she's not fangirling in sexual way because of other comments who said she's a pedo, you simply said "she stalks a 10 YEARS OLD" so i read into it too much because of other comments too
The reason why i sound like i contradict myself is because i thought kpop stanning culture is quite creepy too, but it's normal for them as long as they only stalk from afar, so because the author is korean, they meant to write ayesha as normal devoted fans, since it's considered normal in korea,

So about this 'defenseless abel because he's a child' it doesn't matter, since what ayesha doing just 'harmless stalking' (the first type of a fangirl i mentioned before), harmless stalking sounds weird maybe? But it's normal in kpop stanning culture
(I contradict myself again, but you know the reason, kinda hard to express myself here since i understand the culture, but i also find the culture weird, sorry)
And i totally forgot to mention that STAN = STalker + fAN, she said she's stanning abel sooo well you get the idea

sorry if you keep getting sick of me
i feel like you keep going back and forth on whether you think ayeshas behavior is inappropriate or not. also i have looked into a bit more and i don't think stalking is ok even in korea??? it just sounds wrong as well: "stalking from afar is ok", if you really dig into it, even if there were more fans that were as obsessive as to stalk their idols, the idols feelings come first and from what i have read they seem to be very uncomfy, so why should how the fans feel about their stalking habits take priority over how the actual victim feels? bunching 'normal' fans in with obsessive stalking ones seems to be a disservice to the people who actually support the idols.
sorry if i am pressing buttons, i find this is an interesting important topic is all :)

Nooo i'm not getting sick or anything, i'm casually discuss something with you here :(
I don't do stanning anymore, it's tiring, but in the past i read info about my kpop idols almost every day, i stalk them through internet
Why i'm saying i stalk them? Because i get information about of what they're doing every single day, who shares this info? The stan who have money and follow the idols around
And this stan groups is recognized by the idols, and they have good relationship with idols too, that's why i said 'in kpop culture stalking from afar is okay', since the idols even know personally the admins of their stan groups
I'm being serious here, there are some days where the idol 'disappear' from the stan's detection and the fandom went into chaos because they don't know what the idol is doing today

i dont think there is such thing as 'harmless stalking', stalking is a criminal act for a reason and you can't exactly go to court and say, "well i didn't actually touch him or anything" and i know she didn't mean any harm but that shouldn't really be a factor because if this was in real life and abel was a real kid, he wouldn't know if ayesha was an innocent lady or not, its a really scary situation.
i know this is a work of fiction but if there is to be a connection to real events it wouldn't be ok even more so.
about 'stan culture', the word stan has been really watered down over the years so there is not much weight to it and only the really overzealous people will actually carry out obsessive actions, i feel as if the word doesn't really have a bad connotation anymore unless a person has had a bad experience with a 'stan'. a good example is the webtoon, i stan the prince, in that one the girl had a relationship with the ml already and never stalked or harrased him even though she was a 'stan', all she did was do the equivalent of writing a fanfic (sorry if that's spoilers), the stanning was very cute and comical in that one.

haha ok cool, i feel like some people on this site get very angry when people have diff viewpoints
i do admit i am unaware of specifics idols and their standings with stan groups but the common consensus online seems to be that stalking idols is looked down on and i do think that makes more sense than an idol being ok with being followed everywhere. even if the fans are not doing anything i imagine it takes a mental toll on them to be constantly watched. with the internet thing, i think following people on the internet is fine since it is fairly harmless unless you go out of your way to harrass them, i do think posting every waking move of an idol is a bit weird and foreign to me tho

Yessss it's definitely looked down, and the idols might be secretly uncomfortable but they keep good relationship with the stans because they treat it as their 'risk as kpop idols', so as long as they just stalk from afar and don't do any harassment is considered okay by kpop stanning culture, they might be really okay with the stans, or they might be secretly not okay with it but accept it anyway because they can't change the culture
Haha yeahhh after i stop stanning and grow older i also find it weird how i can get the info of idols every single day, the idols really have no privacy
It's okay to think it's problematic and not okay, i just share the info that ayesha is considered a normal fangirl in korean culture, she's not a criminal since she lives that culture

You can read my next replies and see the reason why i said it, it's normal in korean stanning culture
If you don't find it normal is okay, but ayesha lives that culture so it's normal for her, also the author is korean and this webtoon meant for korean audience, that's the reason why i said it's considered normal

For the record, i'm not saying it's normal for 'everyone'
But in korea, devoted fans behaved exactly like ayesha, and the idols recognized them and even have good relationship with them despite the stans follow the idol everywhere, and they're excused as long as they don't harass the idol
Underage korean idols get iphone, jewels, stars, even forest from their fans (it's obviously from adult fans since there's no way underage fans have that much money), it's normal in their culture
bruh these posts about her behavior, i didn't think it would be this divided, personally when i read the first chapter i was slightly disturbed. you guys have to remember that she STALKED A 10 YEAR OLD BOY, she literally said she did herself, idk bout you but that's crEEPY.
i like this webtoon a lot and i really enjoy the updates and i think her relationship with abel is really cute but that's because she actually kNOWS HIM NOW. this isn't 'fangirling', i don't think fangirls would want the label of 'stalker', fangirling is not a problem if you are on the internet and giving harmless notes of admiration but the fact that she went out of her way to follow him is-
i don't think the author meant any malice by this, they probs thought it was 'quirky' and a way to advance the plot so i don't hold contempt but it does make me a bit mad to see comments about how i am the problem because i see this as creepy, or how people will normalize her behavior.