(spoilers for those that are starting to read)
okay.. some parts i dont remember too well but i will tell you the general story:
Erin was a High Ranking Mage, almoust like a goddess, she helped alot of people on the way like rei aunt or the king of dragons, Ren, lily the fairy and so on (i dont remember if they say the time that has passed since Erin existed)..
she risked her life to defeat the demonlord that wanted to reign the middle realm (where Rin was born and live aloust all her life.. she is now moving to the demon realm) for that god punished her with missfortune in all her consecuent life's.. it say it is because she commited "SINS" (dont remember wich ones.. i think they havent sayd it yet but i think we will find out soon), that is why she was wearing some handcuff's when she meet Rin;
Rin is the last reincarnation, but she only remembered the life of Joara (the previus one), after she meet with Erin and recall she is the last reincarnation of erin soul, erin gives her the memories of the 5 previus reincarnation and Rin saw the misfortune that was down upon them; the grandfather knew who she was.. but she is still his grandkid so he took away the "sins that sprout her misery" saying it was more than enough
however Rin is still concius of her status, and is still afraid.. and now that she is having encounters with erin previus accuantance, she is like more on guard.. because she want to be remembered as Rin not as the reincarnation of Erin
Now we have some clues of what we can expect from now on.. with the dragon king tip about Ren, he might go crazy if he find out she is the reincarnation of Erin, he is just naturally draw to her, but dosnt know why or at least that is what he shows (pretty convinient if i say so)
okay that as for the reincarnation part, the family is another issue
peole are also having a hard time to see the conection
her dad Parijunel "PARI" OR "KARL" (they used those names for him)is the southern king of the underworld
her first grandfather is the king of the underworld (he adopted the demon PARI and he was powerfull enough to become king of the southerland, so he is not blood related to Rin)
her mother is Sein she was a HUMAN paladin but now is a demi-god (after death)
her second grandfather is the god of the south (he is not blood related ro Rin either but it seems he took Sein as daughter.. that is my guessing as to why she is now a demi-god)
like Karl is a demon and Sein a human when they concived Rin she is a Banman that is a way to refer to hybrids of those species Human-Demon but Rin has also divine power in her because Sein was a paladin (a knight of god) she had divine power, everyone though the existence of Rin was a miracle it self, because the demon power and divine power are exiting in her body half-half that should destroy her, but it is the perfect amount that her body can deal with both powers.. thats why they have to be carefull with her mana training because that is demon power.. she need to keep both power in balance for her own safety
raphael is an angel working under God that was really attached to Sein and never left her side, even when decided to marry Pari he stayed with her.. he never aproved it but he always stayed with her and now is looking after Rin and hargen is Pari assitant or something and he also is attached to his lord and to Rin.. so they became her caretakers
Anyone else getting confused on the whole situation with the Rin girl :/