Okay I worded that really weirdly lol there’s nothing wrong with being emotional while you’re talking to someone, but if you’re taking your emotions out on them then that’s not okay. It’s alright to vent to someone or communicate your feelings, but treating someone badly because of your present emotions is never and will never be okay, at all. You’re better than that (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Be the best version of yourself and do the best you can to live a fulfilling life with no regrets

Sorry but I disagree. Just because you’ve been treated badly does not give you the right to direct it back at them. That’s a bully mentality. Just because that person has given you shit all of a sudden it’s your job to make sure they receive it back? No. Let karma do it’s job. That’s a toxic mentality you’ve got there and if you continue like that then you’ll never move forward in life.

That’s like saying: because I’ve been treated like shit now it’s your turn. If you really hated being treated like that then why would you want someone else to feel it? That shows how hateful you are. Instead of trying to make other people feel “your pain,” why not just take time to heal yourself instead of becoming the person who has bullied you? That’s why you’ll continue to go through situations like that. Because your mentality is stuck in a loophole and you can’t get yourself out because you’re so hateful. Learn something about love and it just might save you.

She isn't bullying him. She simply isn't being nice to him.
Why do you feel that he is entitled to being treated nice by her when he treated her badly?
Do you think that it's health to be nice towards people who treat you like shit? That's the kid of mentality that gets people stuck in toxic friendships and relationships. Please have to stand up for themselves.

I never said she was bullying him and that’s not what I expected you to interpret from my words either. I’m saying the kind of mentality she has isn’t going to get her anywhere. Never said I thought she should be “nice” to him. Please don’t take what I’m saying out of context and try and make it seem like I’m saying something I’m not. If you don’t understand then just ask for Clarification.

When you say she, “simply isn’t being nice to him,” I totally disagree. Not only is she “not being nice to him,” but she’s being a complete asshole along the way. There’s better ways to deal with someone who has treated u like shit. And never have I once implied or stated that “[I] feel that he is entitled to being treated nice by her.” Ive never once said that nor implied it so stop taking the words I say like that. You don’t HAVE to be nice to people who treated u like shit. But then why do u feel like she can treat the other person like shit? U really wanna stoop down to that level? You’re allowed to stand up for yourself, you’re allowed to express the pain you’ve felt from that treatment, but it is NEVER okay to justify treating someone like shit just bc you’ve been treated like that. Revenge isn’t everything Ms. girl. You literally have a choice to move on and heal, yet you’d rather stay behind and try to get some kind of relief from inflicting pain on the ones who’ve hurt u. Where’s the point in doing that?

You're doing it again and now you're adding capslock (aka shouting.) Plus saying Ms. Girl is also rude imo.
You're talking as though you are talking to me about my life and that's just reinforced by "ms. Girl." Like no offence but im more than genitals and calling me "ms. Girl" is like refering to me as a "female." Plus it's really condescending. It's the same as people saying things like "sweetheart."
Do you not realize how rude you are being when you assume things about me and talk as though they are facts? I already pointed out this behaviour and you're still doing it. I would prefer it if you stoped.
I used " you" as a general way it talking about the MC/situation. I used it as a general pronoun and at no point did I ever make any assumptions about you as a person. Yet you on the other hand made statements about my character, my life, you referred directly to me by saying "ms. Girl."
You're treating me like some kind of an unstable sociopath, saying things like:
"Yet you would rather stay behind to try to get some kind of relief from inflicting pain."
Can't you just talk in a calm respectful manner? I'm not asking for special treatment but the bare minimum e.g. not shouting, not talking about me as a person when you don't know me, not making assumptions about me, not being so hostile etc. would be nice.

Lol you do realize that this is only text and that the way you’re hearing stuff is due to your own self right? The way you’re viewing the stuff I’m saying is because of your own mind okay, don’t blame that on me. All I did was write words. Whether you think I’m “shouting” just because I put it in caps is your own fault because I was literally trying to emphasize what I am saying. That’s a thing yk. Everyone has their own idea of respect and how they talk so that’s really on you whether you’re able to accept that or not. You’ve literally taken offense to everything I’ve said when the point was never to attack you. The fact that you’re taking everything so personal is due to your own defensiveness. When you’re ready to have a debate without any personal feelings involved, you should really go back and read what I’ve said in the past. Or at least get someone who isn’t sensitive to words that have literally no tone at all and can be reasonable with their thinking.

“Not being nice to him,” is a weird way of saying that she’s being an ignorant fool. She’s assumed the worse from him throughout this whole manga. Not once has she ever thought twice and gave him the benefit of the doubt and yet she still feels like she knows everything about him based off of what she’s interpreted. That’s really fucked up dude (if you would rather have me not call you dude then I will not in future writing). This is just my own opinion yk, I feel like she’s just really selfish in her thinking and her actions. To be fair though, I get that she has to do everything to survive and live a good life, but as she is trying to achieve that she’s really fucking up someone else’s life. If this was a manga that I felt very strongly about then I would usually pull chapters and evidence, but I just don’t wanna waste time doing that over nothing.

Okay this may seem bipolar of me and I acknowledge that fact, but I do recognize my own fault now and would like to apologize sincerely. Even though my intention was never to attack you, I see now how I have made you feel uncomfortable and irritated by the way I speak. I’m truly sorry. I don’t mean to come off as a rude person who assumes that they know everything. Im currently going through some tough life situations so I guess I have been taking my frustration out on you and that is VERY hypocritical of me. My main point of this whole topic was to not do that and yet I did LOL. I’m sorry for speaking to you as if I know you. In the past I’ve also thought like you but it’s really not a healthy way of thinking! Of course you are not obliged to take my words to heart or even acknowledge what I’m saying, but I really just don’t want to see another person make the same mistakes I’ve made. I know that I can’t prevent stuff like this from happening to everyone, but if I can help someone by lending them my experience then I will try and do so. I do apologize for how I’ve been trying to explain it though!! That was not a good way to approach you at all nor is it okay. I don’t ask for your forgiveness but I do hope that you can understand that I am still learning and growing myself! And I wanted to thank you for helping me be able to recognize this fault of mine. I promise I will do better in the future :)

I just don't get how someone could see someone else do mean things/be rude to them and excuse it. Like either way, he threw the gift she gave to him into the lake.
His actions aren't a one-off, he has always been rude to her and when you see a pattern of rude mean behavior it's only logical to see it as a pattern of rude mean behavior.
Excusing it and giving it the benefit of the doubt despite there being many incidents, is very common in long term abusive relationships. In your other reply to me, you mentioned that things aren't going so well for you. Have you considered that maybe this is somehow linked?
I asked for chapter+ page evidence because I really don't see any incidents where she was mean to him or treated him in a bad way.

Yeah, that's cool, it's not the end of the world and things happen. I think that one of the things that matter is how a person reacts/reflects on the situation. You didn't go in the 'I can do no wrong' mode, which is what some people go into so take that as a huge positive. Sometimes we all mess up, it's just a fact of life and while you were a bit rude (just like the MC) it's pretty mild IMO.
I'm just gonna let you know this but basically personality wide I don't bully people. I just won't be nice towards people who aren't nice towards me but that's basically it. Bullying people I don't like would take way too much time and it just isn't worth my time, especially since I can just live my own life and enjoy life or do productive stuff.

Yes I agree with you there that her actions are understandable and it does make sense as to why she would retaliate towards him in this way. His actions are no doubt inexcusable and he really could have just communicated with her better overall. I guess both of them are lacking in certain areas, so that really set me off lol
There most likely is a link between a certain situation that I’ve gone through and why I think this way. I’m starting to question why I even thought she was being inconsiderate in the first place, when her actions were very reasonable.
As for providing you with chapters as evidence, now that my opinion has changed I don’t see any situation where she was treating him wrongly. I still believe that she should be a little more open when thinking about his actions and that she should try to refrain from taking her emotions out on him (lol like I did earlier) but other than that I do agree with you now! Thank you for taking the time to help me understand your POV :) This was really such a great learning opportunity for me and I’m happy to have conversed with you!!

You are a very cool person. I want to be able to only be nice towards those who deserve my energy, but I’m constantly worrying about how others view me. I want to be comfortable being myself around everyone despite people’s opinions of me, but as of right now my opinion of myself is pretty low. I’m working on my self esteem and confidence doe! So I’ll get there :) slowly but surely
Ayo why is she being such a bitch tho? Can’t talk without getting emotional? People like that are so difficult... that’s really inconsiderate of the other person, like super selfish. Whoever is reading this... please don’t be like her in the future.