she is not doing it because she want to.. if you go back a few chapters you will realie that the curse forbided her to do so.. if she tell him HE WILL DIE.. that is the reason she is not telling him.. she is strong and kind.. she want to look for a way to break the curse but she dosnt know how, am pretty sure we will how she will uncover that.
Also her mother told him that too, and to his dad and it was all because the curse, but like the girls love them they will stay with them in whatever way they can and protect them (the mom and our girl)

from where I read she doesnt go out of her way to try & fix his problem, despite the fact he's clearly been emotionally abused (she's an enabler somewhat) making him extra dependent in her since shes the only one who knows the truth. getting in the way and keeping him isolated and out of reach of interacting with others that might possibly alleviate those insecurities for ultimately her own petty self interests (now the author might try to redeem her a bit by making all of the other woman who take interest in him "evil" or something, but so far to me she just looks like a hypocrite) its cool if you like her. I can see how a lot of readers feel like shes relatable in that she likes hot men and jokes about it all the time but so far I'm not into it. maybe this will change after some development, I hope this gets better

like I said ... she was going to tell him straight forward the first time she found out, but lost consciousness for a moment ... that's where the entity (idk if it's a magician or a demon, the author still hasn't explained it) told her that she can't say anything or else he will die from the curse ... when she returns to herself ... she changed her mind and kept it to herself
Now if you are reading the first chapter, I also thought about that, but only in that chapter ... I like to know more to be able to make my conclusions ... so if you have started reading, I recommend that you continue reading ... we are all waiting for the development
and if you have read more chapters then I really don't understand how you don't understand ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

what do you mean bro shes not shallow selfish or minipulative she litterally had interest in him before she even saw his face when she did see his face she realized hes cursed ect... and cant tell him and help him with his insecurities and shes not the least bit selfish she litterally puts her life on the line for the people of the castle and has gone through so much in her previous lives and present life.....

lol u got me cracking there
also she is clearly sad everytime he mention that he will divorce her.. and he is doing it since before he revealed his face.. since she came to the castle.. she think she is not needed.. she also suffered quiet alot, she dont want to leave him or anyone in the castle, because for her they are her only family
and feeling the ML deserves better