Wow, I knew he was off from the beginning but that sure was an unexpected end lol. I'm hoo...

Seto August 4, 2015 12:02 pm

Wow, I knew he was off from the beginning but that sure was an unexpected end lol. I'm hooked.

    Seto August 4, 2015 12:09 pm

    I also like how Okuzumi didn't break down when being told by Souya and instead, remained poker faced

    megapanda1616 August 4, 2015 1:38 pm

    man so angry at the older brother and creepy in a way geez but i hope okuzuma and souya make up (especially cos i want thee older brother to be pissed) hahahaha

    Seto August 5, 2015 12:08 am
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    Yup it was really surprising. I was like here comes the tears or any sign of showing a painful expression but! he didn't! So refreshing. He deserves a thumbs up heheh.