y’all are so weird dropping this and spamming the comments with that.... just bc param h...

destroyer19 December 8, 2020 5:55 pm

y’all are so weird dropping this and spamming the comments with that.... just bc param has sex with mr. han.. like isn’t that man the second lead for a REASON? ofc i would love it all of his affections were 90% of the time if not 100% towards hwi but it’d make no sense to introduce han as a second lead if nothing was ever gonna happen (a date, sex, intimate talking). even if they do have sex all i want is for hwi to still be param’s #1 guy and for param to realize han’s sex game is hopefully not as to his liking as hwi’w is LMAO

    pygolampída December 8, 2020 6:00 pm

    but the point of us gettin mad is cuz its fun, lol. i mean droppin it jus cuz of this is a bit much but gettin mad at param is fun cuz we cant rly interact with them, all we can do is watch and rant to ourselves. so whats the harm in spammin some angry comments. and fr param is stupid, so... dx

    destroyer19 December 8, 2020 6:05 pm
    but the point of us gettin mad is cuz its fun, lol. i mean droppin it jus cuz of this is a bit much but gettin mad at param is fun cuz we cant rly interact with them, all we can do is watch and rant to ourselve... pygolampída

    i mean i understand your perspective but i just kinda get annoyed when everyone’s like “o i’m dropping it param’s a dumbass blah blah” like ... idk from the author’s perspective i’m hoping it’s done for development and a reason and it just disappoints me that if things aren’t absolutely going the readers’ way they’ll drop a story (obv they have the right to). also idk how param is a complete idiot bc he’s literally conflicted btw 2 guys right now, one being someone who he has crushed for a long time and the other being a new but refreshing dude. like if someone i’ve crushed for a long time tries to flirt with me and stuff while i’m slowly building a relationship with another i’d definitely be confused as hell with myself

    Erga_omnes December 8, 2020 6:08 pm

    Agreed, it’s a story, it needs drama

    pygolampída December 8, 2020 6:28 pm
    i mean i understand your perspective but i just kinda get annoyed when everyone’s like “o i’m dropping it param’s a dumbass blah blah” like ... idk from the author’s perspective i’m hoping it’s ... destroyer19

    I think ur misunderstanding smth here, i also think that dropping the story just cuz of the lil drama is a bit too much. But im fine with ppl being angry at the characters :0

    pygolampída December 8, 2020 6:30 pm

    Oh and yeas i totally agree with u, taking things to heart is annoying cuz none of this actually happened owo

    Brieeze December 8, 2020 6:52 pm

    Lol I swear I'm the only person who's like totally cool with this. Param is single, he's not committed to anyone so why cant he fuck around? Personally... I kind of hate it when (99.9% of the time) ukes have to be pure, virgin and only ever sleep with the seme and never try anything with anyone wheres the semes can fuck everyone and everything so its refreshing to me to read a character like Param. Granted I want him to get with Hwi sooner rather than later, like pls dont drag this out for 50 whatever chapters since hwi is obviously end game lol

    pygolampída December 8, 2020 7:03 pm
    Lol I swear I'm the only person who's like totally cool with this. Param is single, he's not committed to anyone so why cant he fuck around? Personally... I kind of hate it when (99.9% of the time) ukes have to... Brieeze

    Riteee, but the thing is param actually is dumb fr lolol, and this facts will drag the story longer than it shoulda be >:(

    Brieeze December 8, 2020 7:10 pm
    Riteee, but the thing is param actually is dumb fr lolol, and this facts will drag the story longer than it shoulda be >:( pygolampída

    Ugh I hope not....