Not to excuse his shitty behaviour, but like kids are stupid? Nobody taught him how to act properly around people and for a long time he thought of Valrose as someone who has ulterior motives in wanting to get close to him (which he was right about lol) Also, if I remember correctly we don't know the full extent of his background story yet, right?
You are right, Valrose doesn't have to hear him out. She can just walk right out, which she should do if she has no intentions of actually listening to anything he says. This will make for a very frustrating convo for the readers of Nocton talking to a wall and said wall just yelling back random beef it has with Nocton regardless of what he says.
But let's not forget she was the one who stuck to him this entire time, and the argument that she did it to survive is not very solid when she had other options too. She just thought of one way to survive and stuck to that the entire time even though it wasn't working. Not to mention Valrose is technically an adult in a kid's body while Nocton is actually a child at the time... so in this case Valrose should know better.
Not saying any of them are right. They are both stupid, and this scene is kind of frustrating.
Just saying the MC owes him NOTHING. Sure she approached him with ulterior motives to befriend him as a KID in SELF DEFENSE because she knew she'd at hIs hands because of the book. He repeatedly treated her like SHIT for YEARS, took away the FREE WILL of people including LITTLE KIDS who WERENT TRYING TO MURDER HIM for the supposed sake of SELF DEFENSE and also took away the FREE WILL of people he could've easily FIRED instead and HIRED PEOPLE WITHOUT CONNECTIONS TO HIS FAMILY. The ML also has other magic powers I assume that are offensive/defensive that he could use WHEN ABSOLUTELY NEEDED instead of preemptively distrusting everyone, he also still has his title and status in society so he can also easily use that. There's huge differences between their actions. Even though the MC approached him with an ulterior motive originally she also didn't treat him like shit like he did to her. She owes him nothing and doesn't have to hear him out y'all.