I originally posted this on the homepage Q & A section btw..

Heather August 3, 2015 1:53 pm

Even though i love this manga, I still can't even comprehend the title of Loveprize.. I can read it clearly but the words really don't seem to make sense to me... does anyone know what is the meaning of the title? or maybe the reason why that is the title? Is it some sort of Japanese word play that really can't be precisely translated into english?

Also, Viewfiner seems to be going up and down the ranks these days.. it used to be in the top spot (like always).. I guess its because it really hasn't been updated for quite a while.. Is it on hiatus again?

    tokidoki August 4, 2015 1:35 am

    Always looked to me like a bit of a translation issue that just ended up sticking.

    Anonymous August 4, 2015 12:11 pm

    I think it can be taken pretty literally. Loveprize=prize of love. In other words, the object of desire, which is what Akihito is in volume one and what Asami becomes to Akihito.

    In an interview or note somewhere, the mangaka talks about the continuing use of "finder" or "viewfinder" in the titles of subsequent volumes. Again, she hadn't intended the original story to become a series and would have named it something else but is now sort of locked into using "finder" in the title.

    Anon August 4, 2015 5:05 pm
    I think it can be taken pretty literally. Loveprize=prize of love. In other words, the object of desire, which is what Akihito is in volume one and what Asami becomes to Akihito.In an interview or note somewher... @Anonymous

    I always thought loveprize was a sort of term of endearment--like when old Germans call someone "Treasure" (although now I know many dogs named Schatzi, so I am not sure it's the same).

    Anonymous August 4, 2015 5:39 pm
    I always thought loveprize was a sort of term of endearment--like when old Germans call someone "Treasure" (although now I know many dogs named Schatzi, so I am not sure it's the same). @Anon

    ..."Du bist mein Schatzi im Bildsucher"? xD