Fun fact! Porn can actually make it harder for men to get hard (it can also cause sexual problems for women too) I dont really know the science behind it but all I know is that it can make it harder to get aroused and can cause misunderstandings about sex. Because of that, a lot of men dont know how to please women during sex so women tend to fake it and wonder why they aren't feeling pleasure! So do your own research and find out what you like :)
I personally think the reason for that is that porn is unrealistic. Your expectations are way to high. Everything is working out, all glamour etc. Does it make sense what I'm talking about?
Ted Bundy had literally confessed that porn was the reason for how warped he became. He watched so much that “normal” porn wasn’t satisfying him anymore, so he kept watching the extremes and the only stuff that could get him off was people being hurt. So I think this is extremely realistic.
Fun fact! Porn can actually make it harder for men to get hard (it can also cause sexual problems for women too) I dont really know the science behind it but all I know is that it can make it harder to get aroused and can cause misunderstandings about sex. Because of that, a lot of men dont know how to please women during sex so women tend to fake it and wonder why they aren't feeling pleasure! So do your own research and find out what you like :)