No, this is definietly another one. Or future chaps. There was a time the alpha knotted him when he was in rut, and we all speculated that he would be preg., but I think he got a pill or something. And in previous chapter was the second time the Taehan knotted the Doyun, but no words about pregnancy yet......yet, hopfully we will get cuties soon.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Hmm. I think that the page where it shows it swelling is the present, thats why Doyun reminiscene about previous memories of it. Its a bit different when its the flashback and when its not. But you are right it is a flashback.
....I read back. I do not know anymore. Thats hella confusing even more since they cut it off there.( ̄∇ ̄")
If I remember, wasn't he supposed to be preggy??? Or am I getting mixed up with different yaoi???