kio December 7, 2020 1:38 pm


I made a comment earlier defending this manhwa as "not as rapey as some other omegaverse stories". Turns out, I was wrong.

In chapter 11, there is a literal rape scene, in which Minju forces herself on the omega, despite the omega pleading with her to stop. Furthermore, the rape is validated and romanticized when the omega admits that she feels *better* after being forced into a heat and raped.

That being said, I quit this manhwa. This is not to shame those who enjoy media containing non-consensual sex, but the scene was sickening enough for me to drop this manhwa immediately after. I knew I expected to see some problematic/dark elements, knowing the genre of omegaverse, but non-rape omegaverse exists out there. I just assumed this would be one of them.

I suppose I should also let everyone know that Minju has a penis. I saw some uncertainty in the other comments and felt I should throw that out there.

    lauki sakalam December 9, 2020 11:25 am

    aww :( im not a huge omegaverse fan cuz most omegaverse ive known is toxic,,, im sad that this story is toxic too :(

    kio December 9, 2020 11:24 pm
    aww :( im not a huge omegaverse fan cuz most omegaverse ive known is toxic,,, im sad that this story is toxic too :( lauki sakalam

    I was bummed, too. I don't like omegaverse too much myself due to the same reasons, but I have seen really healthy f/f omegaverse fanfiction before. It exists! Just not here.