Opinion on the first chapter...

Lilium August 1, 2015 1:42 am

Main girl pretty much gets assaulted, almost raped, and the punishment is that three of the bad guys get their hair shaved and the other three have permanent markers drawn on them? -_-" Maybe I'm just odd, but that really isn't a strong enough punishment. :/

    Starry*sKy_Lvr August 6, 2015 7:36 pm

    dont forget they were also tied together and was shamed in front of the whole school

    MyName April 3, 2016 1:52 pm
    dont forget they were also tied together and was shamed in front of the whole school Starry*sKy_Lvr

    Well it is different since raping someone is almost the same as shaming their whole life(yeah woman sometimes feel like that if they are raped-nah! They would feel that way unless they are really willing,right?). Being embarass because you are tied up ad all those things, those can pass and all since it can be easily be forgotten campared to being raped.