This is not about guilt tripping

bluesky December 6, 2020 7:30 pm

Those of you who have read ahead and known what was going on probably already know this. What the emperor is doing in Ch 32 isn't about guilt tripping or manipulating Heun to get his pity. This scene will continue on in Ch 33, and you will see that, hopefully next week. What he is doing is trying to make things even, because he knows he could not undo his past doings. So the best he could do is to get the same thing done on himself. But he knows that whatever he does in his entire lifetime, it will never be enough because he will never suffer like Heun or the others (more on why to be revealed in ch 33). And he told Heun that. His development will continue on until we get close to ch 40. Because what he wants now is true affection, so he is trying to court Heun properly. The king is many horrible things, but he is not the kind to sneak around psychologically manipulating someone with false words or actions. He is a straight forward man, he doesn't beat around the bush. If you want to accuse someone of being manipulative, that'd be the rapist brother. I'm just trying to state the facts here, because it seems quite a bit of people are getting the wrong idea about what's going on.

    mandy_j December 6, 2020 8:27 pm

    Well said.

    everydayy December 6, 2020 9:48 pm


    abthurd December 6, 2020 11:03 pm

    Good for ya for having to read ahead of time and knowing everything. Most of us here take the chapter as it is. So you can't really blame us for not knowing about his progress. That's the whole point of reading something. If your views on characters doesn't change throughout the story then it's not exactly a good story.