Just because it’s not real life doesn’t make it ok. Not saying anything is wrong with this story, but the same people who say it isn’t real life literally go to hentai stories and make a whole rant about how the story is disgusting. Also even if it’s fake BDSM is a real life thing it’s not something to play around with. Actual people do it and it’s not something Doms/Subs take lightly.

I was talking about how people did not get how the universe works. I did say that you have to consider that it isn't real life and yeah you do have to consider that. But like do people even get the universe this is in?
There's more mangas out there that have worse consent issues.
And boi... haha, i do not go to hentai and rant. The only thing i really didn't like about hentai is how big their tiddies are but I dont even read/watch hentai.
I know BDSM is a real thing.
I know that consent is important.
It's i think people dont get the universe—
Uh... did you get what i said in my comment? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

1. I did not say “you” I said other people go on hentai and rant
2. People can’t play with stuff like BDSM it is NOT a game
3. People get that it is in a universe but the way people try to portray BDSM is wrong some Subs are stuck with an abusive Dom which is not something BDSM is about it is about taking care of your Sub and also satisfying your Dom
4. Clearly you didn't understand what I was trying to say I’m saying something as realistic as BDSM shouldn’t be turned into an Omega-verse like universe it’s offensive to Doms and Subs (it’s basically calling them animals that are attracted to each other by their pheromones and that Doms can do whatever they want to their Subs)
5. Making BDSM into a omega verse like universe is just like people looking to 50 shades of Gray for advice about BDSM
6. I’m sorry if it sounds rude but at some point people can’t keep using the same “it’s fiction” excuse on such realistic stuff such as rape, abuse, assault, and BDSM.

I know you didn't put the "you" but you are still basically saying that I'm one of those people because I say "it's fiction." As you said up top "it's the same people say that it isn't real that go to hentai and rant"
BDSM is never a game.
Of course in real life this kind of things will be different and it will get more serious.
And this is like.. this conversation so far away from the manga.
In my comment up there I was saying what i think about the manga and how i think they didn't get it(?) because other comments were throwing me off(?)(idk if that's the right wordings) BTW, the comments that i read was about consent and about the safe word thingy.
And you know... there is actually more mangas that are like this. And ive seen them but they were fine. It didn't have anything such as rape, abuse, assault etc.
There is still more mangas that have this kind of issues.
One more thing, I dont know much about BDSM stuff (i know the basics i guess) and so I will not say anything about that, I usually have more talks in consent issues and fantasy/action talks.****I based my comment on my knowledge about the universe of the story and not the real life thing.*****
I know im not gonna win this/give any more explation/ argument so...(whatever u wanna call it)
Like i said idk much about bdsm stuff so im not gonna respond to the bdsm thing.
If you go to my acc, you'll see that I'm a big fan of bl/yaoi/shounen ai (im basically a fujoshi) and i also am a big fan of action, fantasy and stuff like that. I only really read this manga cuz its bl.

1. I’m sorry if it seemed like I was talking about you when it was not my intention to
2. I’m glad that at least someone can admit that they don’t understand BDSM because there are some people on here pretending to be subs and doms saying this is what BDSM is about
3. I want to understand that it’s in a universe but it’s so hard for me to do that when people try to make BDSM look like it’s a real life version omega-verse also people have been known to try to turn fiction stuff into yaoi
4. I don’t really care who wins or loses this convo I just wanted to have a civil conversation with someone who wouldn’t call me a fake yaoi fan because I don’t like the way they portrayed BDSM
5. I feel that if they do make something like BDSM into a universe they shouldn’t make it look like a copy and paste of omega-verse (which it does to me)
7. I have seen some Dom/Sub verse where the Dom uses his pheromones to make the Sub submit non consensually
6. Thanks I’m glad we could have a civil conversation about how we both seen this story
There's a lot of bad comments about this but for me, I like it actually. (Long comment ahead)
Some of the comments are just like making me question things. Like I have a lot of questions to the comment they gave because I think they didn't get what universe or whatever this is in.
I think I know how the universe or at least 70-90% of it or even lower but I get it fine. I think the hate comments just didn't get it the universe(?) properly(?).
There's a lot of consent issues in a lot of other manga. I get it, you're all over this consent thingy and I know consent is important.
But you actually do have to consider this ain't real life. It's a manga and it's a different world than our world soo.
And I really just think they dont get the whole universe/concept in this manga.
But I actually like this. It's quite interesting and different.
I could actually explain how I think/understand how the universe work but my comment would be tooo long. It's somewhat similar but not really to the omegaverse bonding thingy. Key word: somewhat similar but not really.