Unpopular opinion, but I don't really have enough emotional investment on the wives to car...

Ryu December 6, 2020 3:50 pm

Unpopular opinion, but I don't really have enough emotional investment on the wives to care enough about their plights as characters.... not saying their struggles aren't bad, just saying I don't care about Lady Stra's phantom baby compared to if it was my own sister who did. I'm just not emotionally invested or attached to these girls compared to how I'm invested to Pol's.

Also, if you will tell me shit about how I feel about these characters then here's my preemptive fuck you. I don't want another asshole here telling me I should be invested or that I should care about these women aside from Pol.

    geymafia December 6, 2020 4:07 pm

    First part: I think the same, like... Their characters aren't that special or relevant and it's hard to care about their stories of "perfect woman" when you're a 21th's kid where women don't need to be a perfect spouse.

    Second part: calm down Jamal, don't pull up the 9

    Cuzhefuckingpushedme December 6, 2020 4:18 pm
    First part: I think the same, like... Their characters aren't that special or relevant and it's hard to care about their stories of "perfect woman" when you're a 21th's kid where women don't need to be a perfec... geymafia

    Lol I didn't care much either til Paul explained that everyone is fighting in their own ways for their lives the best way they know how

    Akenty December 6, 2020 4:25 pm

    I think those three are here to show how women actually thought of their own situations.
    They all wanted more than being someone's wife or someone else's mother/daughter. Paul is thought as the King's knight or the marquess, even if the prejudices against women are there. She is a noble woman with a title of her own, the first one. She didn't gained it by marrying a man but by her own power and fvck whatever the mysoginists think for all she cares.

    The wives are there to first, show Pauline how really women live and how lucky she is to be in the position she is. Second, to allow her to befriend women instead of only men. Third, to show women struggles and maybe try to influence her to influence the king so that women start gaining more rights and be equal to men.

    So yeah, I am not emotionally attached to those three but at the same time I pity them because they see in Pauline what they wanted to be and instead they were told they couldn't.

    nikiHP December 6, 2020 4:26 pm

    I kind of agree, these ladies haven’t been part of the story long but they’re a main focus of the current plot which, kind of sucks because there’s not a lot seemingly going on with them.
    That being said I do like the premise of why they are there... to demonstrate the female struggles and what it takes to be recognized as a woman, etc vs a man’s situation (I know this is really simplified but you get it).
    I just do not like that the main cast has shifted so much to these new people that don’t have the same level of background built up... it doesn’t help that these ladies are in the way of Pol & his highness too... though I’m not loving his highness that much anymore either .. I get that he’s the ruler but it seems he could do more amd be bolder to Pol.

    Arashi December 6, 2020 4:44 pm

    I agree with your opinion. The three ladies are all brand new characters, and we haven't invested that much connection with them. But I think the author uses them to put a good foundation to the story later on, especially when (spoiler!!) Sir Paul realizes his majesty feelings for her.

    And as a woman, I feel for them too. Even up until now, many countries still treat women this way.

    CimmicaCocoa December 6, 2020 5:18 pm

    I think they’re stories are being told more for pauliana’s character development rather than randomly being thrown in

    CimmicaCocoa December 6, 2020 5:19 pm

    Oops *their

    NovemberHalloween December 6, 2020 5:21 pm

    Yes, it's hard to connect with the wives. But shouldn't you sympathize aith a character specially a woman in that time? Imagine the feeling of becoming an accessory for a man?

    Ryu December 6, 2020 5:52 pm
    Yes, it's hard to connect with the wives. But shouldn't you sympathize aith a character specially a woman in that time? Imagine the feeling of becoming an accessory for a man? NovemberHalloween

    I don't really sympathize with any of them since imagining how hard their life is isn't enough for me to give a fuck. Yeah, I'm sure before women's rights were realized that the women suffered a lot of gender discrimination and setbacks. It's just that these women weren't fleshed out as proper characters for me to care for their cause when they take center stage in a chapter. I'm sure they were given 1 whole chapter to give contrast to how every woman tries to struggle and fail or succeed in overcoming adversity, doesn't mean I give a damn about 3 women who were only introduced in a very flat background (i.e. princesses from powerful families who were marrying the emperor for more political clout) ...it's like what Dave Chapelle said in one of his specials, he's hungry and the starving kids in Africa are probably dying but it doesn't change the fact that he still wants to eat.

    the 3 wives doesn't have any personality at all. Tell me something about Lady Stra like what her hobbies are, what she likes, aspirations, her pre-marital life.... nothing comes up at all, so it's kinda hard to care for her and her phantom pregnancy. I feel like if the wives died next chapter, I'd be surprised pikachu face and then I'll be over it by the next one.

    I mean, I've already read spoilers about what's gonna happen to the wives, at this point, I just want them to get their stories done and over with so we can all get back to the OG pairing.

    NovemberHalloween December 6, 2020 5:57 pm
    I don't really sympathize with any of them since imagining how hard their life is isn't enough for me to give a fuck. Yeah, I'm sure before women's rights were realized that the women suffered a lot of gender d... Ryu

    Wait for 5 uploads then, maybe by then we'll be back to the OG story....