Kind, Human, Being. In Human being, there is kindness.

pula December 6, 2020 1:53 pm

Chowon is beautiful with an ugly environment. I hope he found someone he will cherish the most and love him back. Though, I suggest that he heal himself first and love himself before loving someone else. Make yourself the 1st priority because you matter. And if ever no one around you loved you, atleast, you love yourself. Stay strong, Chowon. I hope Kyungsoo and you have a beautiful path to forever.

    ireadthistypeofstuff December 6, 2020 4:04 pm

    Yeah he needs to learn how to love himself before he can get back into a relationship for the better.

    YoiMeBox December 6, 2020 10:48 pm

    Nah hes ugly in an good environment. He left the toxic relationship but still held on like a dumbass. He doesn’t deserve any type of happy ending

    Shirayuki December 7, 2020 1:22 am
    Nah hes ugly in an good environment. He left the toxic relationship but still held on like a dumbass. He doesn’t deserve any type of happy ending YoiMeBox

    Uh “he left the toxic relationship but still held on like a dumbass” is literally what everyone who steps out of a toxic relationship struggles with. No one wants to initially leave a relationship that’s emotionally toxic, even though they know it’s best to leave. Or what, do you expect people to walk away from YEARS of emotional investment and flip a switch immediately saying “ya I’m fine now” and everything goes back to normal? And in Chowon’s case, he literally has a mental disorder that makes this process even worse.

    Good environment? What good environment? The guy never was in a good environment. He was never loved since day 1 he was born. He wasn’t truly loved by his parents and his lover didn’t even love him back. Even after he left Dojun, what did he have left? Nothing. He’s nothing without Dojun.

    He was a huge bitch about it all and needs to pay for all the trouble he caused Heesoo and Dojun but to say he doesn’t deserve a happy ending is really pushing it when not a single person paid attention to him. The reason he turned out like this is none other than Dojun’s fault for giving him false hope and his family for raising him with no love. This doesn’t mean his actions are forgiven - they shouldn’t be. But don’t make him this evil villain who doesn’t deserve any happiness. Blame him for his shitty personality and actions, but also blame Dojun and his family for fucking him up this badly.

    pula December 8, 2020 8:25 am
    Nah hes ugly in an good environment. He left the toxic relationship but still held on like a dumbass. He doesn’t deserve any type of happy ending YoiMeBox

    agree in this one haha

    pula December 8, 2020 8:25 am
    Nah hes ugly in an good environment. He left the toxic relationship but still held on like a dumbass. He doesn’t deserve any type of happy ending YoiMeBox