Doesn't mean it looks racist. While admittedly, black people have a long history of being discriminated against (still are) and enduring slavery, what is happening on this picture does not equate racism or look disturbing. While you claim the girl looks innocent, I'd say she looks strong and in control with the way she's smiling and has her eyebrows furrowed. The fact that she has her arm around his shoulder, relaxed and confident, showcases a person who is free and not as though she's just been bought. The fact that she's wearing gold, probably cultural liberties from ancient Egpyt, shows money and power. All combined, so the context of the matter, does not show any of the things you feel is happening. That's why I said context matters and it's probably also why that commentar was trying to change the roles (perhaps a bit tasteless but still aimed to explain that what you see just doesn't make sense)

ye tasteless haha
"While you claim the girl looks innocent, I'd say she looks strong"
No, it just means she doesn't know what she's getting in to. It doesn't equate you strong, it equates you as stupid, naive. Sadly, girls everyday get treated like this.
"The fact that she's wearing gold,"
Lmfao more reason why she just looks like she was bought. Thank you for seeing the brighter side of things tho.
I'm just gonna say it, the cover just looks extremely bad for me. I dont understand why she looks like 12-14. Suddenly, a white tall man sweep off her feet.

Yeaah, you're just making assumptions now about her by saying that she's naive or doesn't know what she's getting into while the facial expressions, attitude and overall portrayal (so the context) does not say that. Even worse that you're unable to see the historical Egyptian context in regards to the gold worn as juwerly, but do feel comfortable talking about the history black people went through? Because every black character who wears gold is being enslaved by the white guy they're smiling with while confidently looking away, forget context or the clear similarities to ancient Egpyt, from the hair to the clothes to the gold that all showcase power and/or royalty? Honestly sounds like you're seeing what you want to see instead of basing it on the actual cover picture. I guess agree to disagree

Im not making assumptions, I'm really seeing for what it is. There's no way to sugarcoat this no matter how hard do u plan to, I'm just surprised the author could get away with this. I mean, this shit gets away all the time because ppl like u defend it thru life and death. I on see it the way it is.

and no people weren't slaves for being Christians. maybe in some cases but not all. slavery has been a thing for thousands and thousands of years. "but whites were the first to have slaves because of skin color" how do u know that. its not like you time traveled? and even if it was about skin color, what difference does it make? people were treated as objects, yes, even white people were. All slavery is bad. stop treating like only white people are demonic for having slaves. its honestly fucking disgusting how whites are the ones getting hated on because of the past. grow the hell up. enough is enough and let history be history, something of the past.

"no people weren't slaves for being Christians."
what the fuck??? girl did u read jerusalem tf you on about. There's so many wrong with your statement,
"its honestly fucking disgusting how whites are the ones getting hated on because of the past. grow the hell up. enough is enough and let history be history, something of the past"
girl there is STILL racism. Its not just the past, we have to bring it up we can't brush this shit off.

first of all. dont nit pick what I said without even reading the whole thing. makes u look stupid. "no people weren't slaves for being Christians. maybe in some cases but not all." 2nd of all. there is racist people, there will ALWAYS be a racist person. I'm white and I've faced racism as well because some Mexicans made fun of my skin. ill say this again. ITS FUCKING DISGUSTING that whites are the only ones getting hated on because of the past. and like I said let history be history. all races experienced slaverly not just poc. yall ain't special for it. grow up

LMFAOOO idk who's being stupid rn didn't u say "white were slaves before black people" like that's dumb are you sure about this? Where did u get ur source dummy? It looks like u just read the headline and you accept this as 'fax' your research is like, inadequate and everything is a flimsy statement.

girl, cmon, are you even trying to argue with me or trying to entertain me? Africans were sent out as slaves around 1619. In ancient Greek, slavery started during the 1st century BC. people were even allowed to sell their own children. and yes my wording was a bit off when I said "white were slaves before black people" because who knows, maybe thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago the very very very first slave was an african. no one will ever know. I meant was that whites were slaves in Africa before blacks even became slaves in America. so why arent whites hating Africans? because no one gives a flying fuck except you people who seem to want endless race wars and continue to say fuck white people, fuck you white-skinned people you racist fucks. blah blah bla. shut the flying fuck up. ITS TIME TO MOVE ON. I've seen more poc being racist to white people just this year than white people being racist to poc my entire life. Ive seen videos of black people running up behind a random white stranger who was walking in the street just to get his head bashed just for being white. and you people say "he deserved it for being white." "fuck white people." "haha he got what he deserved." I hate people like you who think the world is all about you and your race. well guess what, it ain't and no one gives a flying fuck. I don't give a fuck if your black, white, the Simpsons, brown idk, idc. just shut the fuck up with your skin color insecurities.

"because who knows, maybe thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago the very very very first slave was an african"
"he deserved it for being white." "fuck white people." "haha he got what he deserved."
Girl u used twitter a lot, dont u.
"why arent whites hating Africans?" Sheesh... Alright, you haven't met a lot of people haven't u. There are a lot of people, not just whites hate africans. I'm not african but jesus christ you should've seen the amount of racism people got daily for being dark skin, look at bretman rock, those little things have experienced with other people as well. Girl, listen to me. Do you think hundred thousand years of discrimination is easily brushed off because u absolute morons who have no idea what they're talking about, keep thinking like "oH wHiTe pEoPLe aRe sLaVeS aS wElL"?

I didn't want to be part of the debate at first but you're saying absolute bullshit. It's well known that black had an history of being slave because of their skin color. I don't know where you're trying to go with your " more white people were being enlslaved". I highly doubt that's true and even it if was true, it still don't invalidate the fact that black people had to endure slavery because of their skin colorand all the history of black slavery.
There's so many wrong with the front page where the dark girl is sitting on the white guy's lap... Idk why its like he bought her off from.the slavery market