I doubt the author would change what they are doing even if they saw the reactions. :/ Param seems to be heading into "Mary Sue" territory so this feels more like wish fulfillment on the author's part. I assume we'll see a 3way and every character will be cool with it because reasons.
I too would like to see Hwi move on but unfortunately that would require having faith that the author isn't twisting reality to suit Param. Oh and writing a story worth reading, lol.

You know I thought that it's might be a 3some ofcourse if that's happened I won't be able to continue this but I don't think Hwy will be fine with shearing his lover with another man I feel that he will be really hurt in this story I'm trying to ignore it and not read the coming chapters cause it's will be so hurtful for sure but still Hwi will force me to see what will happen to him and feel bad for him
I like how you all hate Param lol. He is a peice of garbage so yeah I hope that the author will see all those reactions and stop here cause it's obviously that's going to continue and they will have sex even more so Hwi will get hurt over and over again praying for him to fall in love with another guy who will love and appreciate him .