I have been looking and searching for novels like Feng yu jiu tian and while looking at the web I see this pics but can't read the name of the novel/manhua since it's written in vietnamese can yu tell me whats the title of each pictures (/TДT)/ and you can give me some recommendation if you want to.
key05 is right, it's Chinese.You search for FYJT so you get lot of novels illustrated by Wang Yi. I also love Wang Yi's illustration & have album. KyoZaNa✿
So basically all I need is to type Wang yi's name?
I have been looking and searching for novels like Feng yu jiu tian and while looking at the web I see this pics but can't read the name of the novel/manhua since it's written in vietnamese can yu tell me whats the title of each pictures (/TДT)/ and you can give me some recommendation if you want to.