Did some forget?

Xpendum December 5, 2020 3:46 pm

I’m not sure if it’s just me but I feel sometimes~ some people tend to forget how these boys are and that they’re in middle school (or high school? Correct me if I’m wrong sorry ). I don’t know about you, but during those times of our lives we are literally going through so much mentally in trying to figure out what to do with ourselves and place ourselves somewhere on the spectrum of life. To me, personally, He tian especially- really reminds me of those who showcase someone who is struggling with themselves during that specific period of our life (honestly as teenagers we are like the most shittiest person than, you can be the most sweetest and down to earth person, but it does not mean that you are not struggling with something subconsciously. Nor does it mean that you’re actually aware that you may be portraying toxic manners to others and or on yourself) and don’t know how to register their emotions properly and convey them in a none harmful and toxic way. Maybe it’s just me observing too much and analyzing his actions, but yes he is manipulative, and he is quite toxic, but at the same time i can’t help but recall my own moments during that period of my life. I was indeed a very ugly person who was still trying to figure themselves out and in the process harmed a lot of friends. I guess I’m feeling nostalgic about it, but also I feel this period for He Tian is going to bring a lot of growth and development even though he may harm people along the way. Hahah, I’m sorry I just wanted to share my thoughts cause I noticed a lot of people saying how toxic he was, in which i agree, but I guess I just look at it a different way~ doesn’t help that I also find how we react and process things as humans and I study psychology- maybe I’m over observing hahah, But in other words this author really portrays this period of our life really well in my opinion. Others may not agree with me, and that’s okay ^^ but not all of us went through something like this, but in someway or another we did struggle regardless of how you may have thought you appeared to others.

    Xpendum December 5, 2020 3:48 pm

    How old these boys are*

    yyluv December 5, 2020 3:52 pm
    How old these boys are* Xpendum

    Like 15

    Marciok December 5, 2020 3:54 pm

    This!! I agree, but i still think he tian has to tone down his forcefulness...

    Also I think they are in hs, fandom wiki has listed yi as a 19 year old and i assume all the characters are similar ages.
    Of course it's not a official wiki, so I can't say for sure.

    Xpendum December 5, 2020 3:54 pm
    Like 15 yyluv

    Hahah, well I’m glad that my thoughts were liked

    Xpendum December 5, 2020 3:59 pm
    This!! I agree, but i still think he tian has to tone down his forcefulness...Also I think they are in hs, fandom wiki has listed yi as a 19 year old and i assume all the characters are similar ages.Of course i... Marciok

    Mmmm, yes, his actions are quite hard to swallow I won’t disagree with you there. Because even I was quite eugh skin-crawl to simply put it. It will take him a long while to override what he did, but hopefully he will mature and learn to not push manners. As teenagers we tend to put ourselves in a mindset of unstableness especially when we do not know how to react or convey certain emotions (I’m just taking this from my
    Own personal experience during that period of my life, not everyone is the same ^^;) which in the end harm us and those around us quite heavily because at times we don’t even know that we’re doing it.

    Ahhh, I see I see hahahah, then yes even that period is quite difficult probably a lot more worse than middle school. But thank you ^^ I’m glad my view was taken alright ^^;;

    Sorry for rambling, I just find our behavior quite interesting.

    Marciok December 5, 2020 6:12 pm
    Mmmm, yes, his actions are quite hard to swallow I won’t disagree with you there. Because even I was quite eugh skin-crawl to simply put it. It will take him a long while to override what he did, but hopefull... Xpendum

    No need to apologise haha
    Your "theory"(i do not know how to call it, sorry) is quite interesting and has changed my view about teenagers a bit
    We just have to follow the story now and see how he tian behaves in the future

    Xpendum December 5, 2020 7:56 pm
    No need to apologise hahaYour "theory"(i do not know how to call it, sorry) is quite interesting and has changed my view about teenagers a bitWe just have to follow the story now and see how he tian behaves in ... Marciok

    Hahaah, I don’t know what to call it either. So, I just say my observation LMAO.
    But I’m glad that it was insightful for you ^^
    Yes, we do, I quite look forward to seeing his progression as well as Jian yi’s.

    yyluv December 6, 2020 8:40 am
    Hahah, well I’m glad that my thoughts were liked Xpendum

    Omg I thought u were asking but I were just correcting yourself

    yyluv December 6, 2020 8:40 am
    Omg I thought u were asking but I were just correcting yourself yyluv


    Xpendum December 6, 2020 6:54 pm
    Omg I thought u were asking but I were just correcting yourself yyluv

    Ooh ooh hahahahahaah, thank you

    Xpendum December 6, 2020 6:56 pm
    Omg I thought u were asking but I were just correcting yourself yyluv

    Ooh wait I just noticed what you replied to LMAOO I’m sorry I should wear my glasses more