Aoi is my baby

TSBR July 29, 2015 4:03 am

I know he did wrong in this, but that's because his brother hates him despite Aoi's love for himand he was abandoned by both his bro and mother. I cant side with Kouki for nothing. I guess that happens when you read Aoi's story first

    PoohBear October 2, 2015 3:45 am

    I agree. I wish there was more about their story I want to know if they make up or find out what really happened

    mini_b2013 May 29, 2016 10:47 am

    I read Aoi story first and still say I understand why kouki like that tiward his brother and why kouki dud anything wrong

    TSBR May 31, 2016 3:47 am
    I read Aoi story first and still say I understand why kouki like that tiward his brother and why kouki dud anything wrong mini_b2013

    Family is Family. You should forgive your close family, no matter what. Aoi was wrong for what he did, but it shows that Kouki is also wrong because Aoi is trying to change and Kouki isn't giving him the time of day.

    Gray September 16, 2016 2:22 pm
    Family is Family. You should forgive your close family, no matter what. Aoi was wrong for what he did, but it shows that Kouki is also wrong because Aoi is trying to change and Kouki isn't giving him the time o... TSBR

    I don't see how he's trying to change? He did not bother talking to Kouki, explaining to Kouki and the first thing he did was be jealous and even attacking Mitsuru, it's ridiculous. I truly do not understand this bias to people with unrequited love as though they are frail beings that need to be protected.

    Especially the all consuming hate when the person's love is unrequited. Nobody is entitled to be nice to you just because you have unrequited love on them. NOBODY.

    TSBR September 20, 2016 12:44 am
    I don't see how he's trying to change? He did not bother talking to Kouki, explaining to Kouki and the first thing he did was be jealous and even attacking Mitsuru, it's ridiculous. I truly do not understand th... Gray

    You don't see how he is trying to change? Are you serious? He's changing because he has let go of his ill feeling about his brother's lover, trying to mend the walls he broke, etc. He has shown he has grown up for the better. Yes, he was wrong, but would he have admitted that in the past? No, he wasn't strong enough to. But now he is, he has changed. He made mistakes and he is trying to fix them, even though fixing them would probably take a couple of years

    It's not the fact that it was unrequited, it's not. It's the fact that Aoi made a mistake and his own brother despises him without giving him a chance to explain. Aoi is truly trying to move on and in this, yes, he shown he hasn't grown up. But in Aoi's POV, it make sense.

    You are right, no one is entitled to be nice to you because you have an unrequited love on them, but you should at least have been raised with enough values to act civil with someone, especially when that person is your own brother. People have feelings, just because you don't feel the same way doesn't mean you hate to treat them like dirt. A book told me this wise quote that I would never forget, " Everything you do affect others". Everything, whether its good or bad.

    Gray September 20, 2016 8:38 am
    You don't see how he is trying to change? Are you serious? He's changing because he has let go of his ill feeling about his brother's lover, trying to mend the walls he broke, etc. He has shown he has grown up ... TSBR

    "Aoi made a mistake' From Kouki's perspective, Aoi tried to RAPE his lover. How small a 'mistake' that is, huh?

    Next, every single time Kouki sees Aoi, Aoi has been mooching off his mother. And telling her that he made a girl pregnant. But of course, YOU wouldn't care if your sibling used your own parents for money, huh?

    Kouki's dislike for Aoi is REASONABLE, UNDERSTANDABLE. Aoi's reaction to unrequited love on the other hand, IS NOT. Unless you're going to tell me that you start using your own mother as an excuse to see the person you like or that you will rape the person you like lover? That's unreasonable. And to expect Kouki to read Aoi's mind and expect everything to be ok, is also unreasonable.

    The fact is that, because Aoi has unrequited love and is somehow hurt by this everybody conveniently forgets he has made quite a lot of mistakes that would be hard to forgive and to expect complete understanding when even Kouki has tried IN THE PAST to talk to Aoi. And please don't bring about how you should be civil to somebody even though you might not have the same feelings.

    Kouki has NO IDEA about Aoi's feeling, it's Aoi's responsibility to tell him, not the other way around. Kouki is actually reacting very normally when it comes to a son having a sibling that uses their mother for money and then attacks his boyfriend. But nobody sees that JUST because of UNREQUITED LOVE. It's an obvious bias. Don't deny that. Then when he meets at the store, Aoi mocks him with a smirk. Kouki doesn't understand but it's all his fault anyway! Aoi is should be pitied. It doesn't work that way.

    And see how he's going to change? Have you read THIS story? Where did it once say that he was going to change? And what good does that do? Will you defend a rapist by saying 'can't you see how he's trying to change?' So why are you defending Aoi. Oh right, because he's suffering from unrequited love. Even in the other story, all he has done is say that he was going to change. Nothing was actually done besides talking to Kouki's lover and that was only in the last chapter! So please don't act like he has done something so big and wonderful to show that he's trying to change. He hasn't.

    TSBR September 20, 2016 8:59 pm
    "Aoi made a mistake' From Kouki's perspective, Aoi tried to RAPE his lover. How small a 'mistake' that is, huh? Next, every single time Kouki sees Aoi, Aoi has been mooching off his mother. And telling her that... Gray

    You ask how small of a mistake is that? Really? Who said you had to determine how big a mistake is or not. A mistake is a mistake.

    Like I said before, you don't have to like someone. But you do have to treat them civil, no matter what your feelings towards them are. Especially family. Aoi is mooching off of his mother, you say. Clearly he isn't the only one in fault. The mother is as well. SHE LETS HIM MOOCH OFF HER. Everything has a cause and affect. Maybe you should stop trying to place blame on the affect when you should be blaming the cause. If she didn't want him to mooch, then force him to stop, instead of trying to place victim onto the mom when she is the one in control.

    And this whole statement RIGHT HERE proves you didn't even comprehend what I have said." Unless you're going to tell me that you start using your own mother as an excuse to see the person you like or that you will rape the person you like lover? That's unreasonable. And to expect Kouki to read Aoi's mind and expect everything to be ok, is also unreasonable"
    For one, how is finding reasons to see someone unreasonable. People do it all the time. Him doing it as well isn't unreasonable at all. And the rape scenario, was the mistake. What can you not get from that? Is it really that hard for you to understand?
    Next, who said that Kouki or whatever his name is, had to read Ai's mind? What I said was, Kouki should have let him explain and they could have patched things from there, not completely shut him out of your life. Communication is key.

    "because Aoi has unrequited love and is somehow hurt by this everybody conveniently forgets he has made quite a lot of mistakes that would be hard to forgive and to expect complete understanding when even Kouki has tried IN THE PAST to talk to Aoi."
    Have you never made mistakes before in your life? Bad mistakes? NO ONE SAID THEY HAVE TO RECONNECT ALL OF A SUDDEN, IN FACT I ACTUALLY SAID, "He made mistakes and he is trying to fix them, even though fixing them would probably take a couple of years". Of course they wouldn't be ok at first, but talking over time, would fix that. Kouki IN THE PAST tried to talk to Aoi, the past is the past, have he tried to talk to him in the present. Obviously you wouldn't want to talk to the person you feel as though having feelings for is wrong, that is common sense. Clearly Kouki gave up on him aka he has some fault as well.

    And I will bring up, "You should be civil with people you don't like" because that's the real world. You will always not like someone, but I true mature person would get over their dislike and be civil. Clearly something you haven't learned growing up.

    It's not the fact that Kouki didn't know about his feelings. It isn't. And why would you confess to your own brother that you have feelings for him? Of course Aoi wouldn't tell Kouki. But you don't have to treat someone like shit, just because you don't like the one someone does things. If Kouki didn't like how Aoi treated his mother, say something. It's your fucking family, not a stranger, you talk that kind of shit out. Clearly it wasn't affecting Kouki enough if he hasn't done anything you actually stop Aoi from doing it.

    And then you said, "And see how he's going to change? Have you read THIS story? " As if you couldn't have used your context clues and came to the conclusion that my comment was about AFTER this story. Do you need me to copy the whole thing down again.
    "You don't see how he is trying to change? Are you serious? He's changing because he has let go of his ill feeling about his brother's lover, trying to mend the walls he broke, etc. He has shown he has grown up for the better. Yes, he was wrong, but would he have admitted that in the past? No, he wasn't strong enough to. But now he is, he has changed. He made mistakes and he is trying to fix them, even though fixing them would probably take a couple of years"
    Seriously. Comprehend what others say.

    And yes, I would defend a rapist if I have witnessed him trying to change after the rape. I'm not so ignorant to hold something over someone's head. If they have concluded that they have made a mistake, et me work through it so they can move on with their lives.
    Like I said before, The unrequited love doesn't matter, but of course you decided to ignore, yet again, another thing I have said. It wasn't the fact of the unmuturalized love, it was the fact that even before the rape, Kouki hated his brother because he never tried to communicate with him, resulting in Aoi doing something even worse than before.

    Um... are you serious? For one, Aoi's story was about his love life. Why would they focus on what happened with his brother? Next, the fact that he even went up to Kouki's lover and apologized showed that he has changed. HE WOULD HAVE NEVER DONE THAT IN THIS STORY. He couldn't admit his faults, and the fact that he went to Kouki's over to explain himself And APOLOGIZE TO KOUKI'S LOVER took mad courage. As well as the fact that he is trying to let go of his feelings for his brother, for a better life, proved he has changed. AT first, he let his brother influence his life and decisions. Now, he is trying to live his life without his brother, letting go of something that held so much power over his life. He is changing for the better

    Gray September 24, 2016 3:40 pm

    'And the rape scenario, was the mistake.' I'm sorry but how is that simply just a mistake?
    'You ask how small of a mistake is that? Really? Who said you had to determine how big a mistake is or not. A mistake is a mistake. ' Attempted rape could get you LANDED in jail, I think the law knows what his mistake is. Aggravated assault on someone else can get you charged. The only being unable to judge the consequence of a mistake is you. And that's because of your bias. '

    'Is it really that hard for you to understand?' Are you truly thinking that Aoi's 'mistake' when you start to almost rape someone and actually attack someone as 'just' a mistake? Are you seriously going to tell me that? If so, please stop watching/reading yaoi manga. There has to be something wrong for you to accept that as just a mistake.

    So Kouki not being able to understand why his brother choose to mooch of his mother and then rape his lover is bad but Aoi trying to rape his lover, mooches of off his mother and mocking Kouki is just a mistake? Do you not understand/see your bias?

    "But you don't have to treat someone like shit, just because you don't like the one someone does things. If Kouki didn't like how Aoi treated his mother, say something. It's your fucking family, not a stranger, you talk that kind of shit out. " Did you miss the part where he actually told him off? Where he actually said that he has scolded him before. Are we reading two completely different mangas? And please tell me the time when Kouki could actually have a proper conversation with his brother? When he mooches off his mother? When he mocks his brother? You are expecting so much from someone. It doesn't matter if you're a sibling, you don't get the right to be 'cared about' just because you share the same blood. It shows that Aoi does not care about anyone but his own boohoo I fell for my brother feelings. Nobody should be obligated to care for you, brother or not, especially when you treat them like an asshole would.

    Kouki reacts to Aoi's actions because his actions hurts others. He is not being mean for the sake of it. Aoi is not reacting to people hurting him. What he is reacting to is HIS own UNREQUITED FEELINGS. And don't tell me he is doing it because of Kouki being angry with him, he never said nor imply it once, even his lover has said that he can't react normally because of his feelings for his brother. Regardless, being angry with someone is ALSO NOT AN EXCUSE to HARM others. That's what my baby cousin will do, when my aunt says something he doesn't like, he tries to pinch her. THAT'S what your Aoi is doing. Please show me a time he actually said he was doing it because of Kouki's actions.What Aoi is doing is taking his unrequited feelings out on other people. That's the difference.

    "Kouki hated his brother because he never tried to communicate with him, resulting in Aoi doing something even worse than before." That's YOUR implication, it was never stated ANYWHERE that he hated his brother for being cold to him, it was never stated anywhere that he raped the lover because he was angry with his brother. He raped him because he was JEALOUS. WHY? Why would some men throw acid at a woman's face for rejecting them? Why would some men stab the women's lover? JEALOUSY. The fact that you think he did that because of Kouki's actions is ridiculous. Please read the manga with an unbiased eyes. Your bias is OBVIOUSLY showing when you are making up facts that were not stated nor implied in the manga. Just so you can make Aoi's actions 'justifiable'. Please, show me the part in the manga where Aoi tried to civilly talk to Kouki. Please do. You DO understand why Aoi mooches off his mother right? It's to SEE his brother, NOT to talk to him. It's evident that he's UNABLE to do so and that's why he has to use his mother as an excuse. The moment he sees his brother he mocks him. But YOU would be ok being mocked at every turn right? His actions CONTRADICTS what you're saying. His intent to move away was to cut off ties. Are you seriously telling me he would have tried to talk with his brother? Don't make me laugh.

    And don't try to blame his actions on Kouki. Wtf are you even saying. So people treat you badly you go on and try to rape someone? Are you telling me if someone doesn't do things for you, you would go on and rape their lover. Please try to understand what you're implying by saying that.

    Just by saying that, you are giving 'rights' to people to hurt others just for not understanding them. There's NEVER any right to hurt somebody. It's THIER body NOT YOURS. YOU have no right to hurt others for what you're feeling.

    "let his brother influence his life and decisions" What the fuck? Are you trying to tell me that his BROTHER was the one who made him do that? His BROTHER was the one who told him, hey why do't you mooch off your mother. His brother was the one who said hey, because you can't talk like a normal person and mock me at every turn and I get reasonably angry for it why don't you rape my lover.

    Aoi's RESPONSIBLE for his own actions. What's wrong with you. Are you truly blaming Kouki for Aoi's actions. For an ADULT'S ACTIONS? You do understand men like Aoi are dangerous right? Men who can't accept that someone may not love them back and go on to try to rape their lover are dangerous right? You do know men like him who can't handle their own feelings are dangerous right? You do know that nobody should be blamed for your own actions right? You do know that there are rational, reasonable, smart adult who can handle being rejected, being 'not understood' especially if the person themselves are the ones not trying to be understood, their very actions are trying push away their loved ones. You know that nobody should be obligated to care for you if you treat them like an ass right? You know that right?

    Gray September 24, 2016 3:44 pm
    You ask how small of a mistake is that? Really? Who said you had to determine how big a mistake is or not. A mistake is a mistake. Like I said before, you don't have to like someone. But you do have to treat th... TSBR

    Short version: because I know people when they come to an argument they can't counter factually would say that the reply was too long and 'they didn't bother to read'. When in fact, they had no good argument.

    Stop blaming Kouki for his actions.

    Aoi is not. Why? Because HE know it's not Kouki's fault. HE knows he doesn't deserve to see his brother yet and ask for an apology. Why try apologise if he thinks he did what he did because of Kouki not letting him explain? Why would he try to apolgise if he believes that if Kouki tried to talk to him, he wouldn't have done that? Because it's not the reason. And he knows that. HE knows HIS FEELINGS made him do things he shouldn't have.

    The only person who thinks that Kouki being angry at Aoi was the reason behind his 'mistake'. Is you.

    TSBR September 24, 2016 9:08 pm
    'And the rape scenario, was the mistake.' I'm sorry but how is that simply just a mistake?'You ask how small of a mistake is that? Really? Who said you had to determine how big a mistake is or not. A mistake is... Gray

    "'And the rape scenario, was the mistake.' I'm sorry but how is that simply just a mistake?
    'You ask how small of a mistake is that? Really? Who said you had to determine how big a mistake is or not. A mistake is a mistake. ' Attempted rape could get you LANDED in jail, I think the law knows what his mistake is. Aggravated assault on someone else can get you charged. The only being unable to judge the consequence of a mistake is you. And that's because of your bias. ' "
    How was the rape scenario a mistake? Do you not know the definition of mistake? A mistake is an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong, AKA a mistake. The rape was an mistake.
    Next, yes you are correct, a attempted rape and assaulted assault can land you in jail, but if the person admits they are wrong and regret it and are truly sorry, that is a mistake. A mistake has nothing to do with consequences, even though you are trying to hard to make it seem like it does. P.S. the law isn't always correct btw. A lady got fired because her boss was attracted to her and said that she was making him want to cheat and they went to court and she loss. The law isn't always right.

    "'Is it really that hard for you to understand?' Are you truly thinking that Aoi's 'mistake' when you start to almost rape someone and actually attack someone as 'just' a mistake? Are you seriously going to tell me that? If so, please stop watching/reading yaoi manga. There has to be something wrong for you to accept that as just a mistake. "
    OMG, it's like you cant even comprehend. Him trying to rape someone is wrong, there is no doubt about that, but when he regrets it and feels sorry about it, it is a a mistake. Also, and why would I listen you? Clearly you aren't the most logical person out here.

    "So Kouki not being able to understand why his brother choose to mooch of his mother and then rape his lover is bad but Aoi trying to rape his lover, mooches of off his mother and mocking Kouki is just a mistake? Do you not understand/see your bias?" For one, don't put words in my mouth. I have even said "It's not the fact that Kouki didn't know about his feelings. It isn't" so don't twist things to try to help your argument because I know the things I say. Also, never said that Kouki was bad, if you are going to try to say something, at least make it reasonable. All I said was he was in the wrong as well as Aoi.

    ""But you don't have to treat someone like shit, just because you don't like the one someone does things. If Kouki didn't like how Aoi treated his mother, say something. It's your fucking family, not a stranger, you talk that kind of shit out. " Did you miss the part where he actually told him off? Where he actually said that he has scolded him before. Are we reading two completely different mangas? And please tell me the time when Kouki could actually have a proper conversation with his brother? When he mooches off his mother? When he mocks his brother? You are expecting so much from someone. It doesn't matter if you're a sibling, you don't get the right to be 'cared about' just because you share the same blood. It shows that Aoi does not care about anyone but his own boohoo I fell for my brother feelings. Nobody should be obligated to care for you, brother or not, especially when you treat them like an asshole would."
    Firs thing I'm going to say, LOL, didn't you JUST Complain about someone treating your mother bad, but now you are saying you don't have to care just because its your blood. Make up your mind. Why do you care if its your mother if blood doesn't matter?
    Now, back to the actual topic. No, I don't remember him telling Kouki off, and if he did, he didn't do a good job of it. And maybe this comes of rude but clearly you don't understand how people work. It happens in books, movies, shows a the time. If you cant get someone to like you, get them to hate you. It's the most obvious trick in the book. Like I said before, of course he wouldn't have a actually conversation with his brother, HE DOESNT WANT HIM TO KNOW ABOUT HIS FEELINGS. What can you not get?

    Kouki reacts to Aoi's actions because his actions hurts others. He is not being mean for the sake of it. Aoi is not reacting to people hurting him. What he is reacting to is HIS own UNREQUITED FEELINGS. And don't tell me he is doing it because of Kouki being angry with him, he never said nor imply it once, even his lover has said that he can't react normally because of his feelings for his brother. Regardless, being angry with someone is ALSO NOT AN EXCUSE to HARM others. That's what my baby cousin will do, when my aunt says something he doesn't like, he tries to pinch her. THAT'S what your Aoi is doing. Please show me a time he actually said he was doing it because of Kouki's actions.What Aoi is doing is taking his unrequited feelings out on other people. That's the difference"
    Didn't you said earlier that Kouki hated Aoi? Now you are saying that he never said or implied he did, when he obviously did hate Aoi. He is doing it because Koki hated him, deep down he hated the fact that his brother hated him, but he also craved the attention because that was the only attention he got from Kouki.
    And how am I going to show you a time where Aoi has said he is doing those things because of Kouki. For one, this is Kouki's book, not in his POV at all, second, and how would I show you? Please think sometimes

    ""Kouki hated his brother because he never tried to communicate with him, resulting in Aoi doing something even worse than before." That's YOUR implication, it was never stated ANYWHERE that he hated his brother for being cold to him, it was never stated anywhere that he raped the lover because he was angry with his brother. He raped him because he was JEALOUS. WHY? Why would some men throw acid at a woman's face for rejecting them? Why would some men stab the women's lover? JEALOUSY. The fact that you think he did that because of Kouki's actions is ridiculous. Please read the manga with an unbiased eyes. Your bias is OBVIOUSLY showing when you are making up facts that were not stated nor implied in the manga. Just so you can make Aoi's actions 'justifiable'. Please, show me the part in the manga where Aoi tried to civilly talk to Kouki. Please do. You DO understand why Aoi mooches off his mother right? It's to SEE his brother, NOT to talk to him. It's evident that he's UNABLE to do so and that's why he has to use his mother as an excuse. The moment he sees his brother he mocks him. But YOU would be ok being mocked at every turn right? His actions CONTRADICTS what you're saying. His intent to move away was to cut off ties. Are you seriously telling me he would have tried to talk with his brother? Don't make me laugh."
    Comprehend sweetie. Clearly I meant, he hated his brother but he never tried to communicate/ understand him. Jealously comes from Anger, genius. You cant be jealous without being anger. So yeah, Aoi reacted out of Jealously AND anger. And yes, he did do it out of Kouki's actions. Did Kouki hate him? Yes. Did Kouki get a new lover? Yes. His actions made it happened. Whether it was stupid actions, it caused an effect. Like I said before, no, why would he want his brother to find out about his feelings? Of course he wont have a actually conversation with him, plus just seeing your crush is enough for most people. I don't know why, but it is.

    "And don't try to blame his actions on Kouki. Wtf are you even saying. So people treat you badly you go on and try to rape someone? Are you telling me if someone doesn't do things for you, you would go on and rape their lover. Please try to understand what you're implying by saying that." Clearly you don't understand my pint. It's a cause and effect. Kouki doing something, result in Aoi doing something. Understand? It's not necessarily Kuki's fault that he got with his lover, but he is the reason for why his lover almost got raped. He is. You cant deny that no matter how much you try.

    "Just by saying that, you are giving 'rights' to people to hurt others just for not understanding them. There's NEVER any right to hurt somebody. It's THIER body NOT YOURS. YOU have no right to hurt others for what you're feeling"
    For oe, saying what? Really, tell me what I say so I could understand your comment. Please quote me on where I said Aoi's mistakes are acceptable. Please do. And me, trying to understand someone and their reasoning isn't wrong, what's wrong is people like you, wo place judgement onto someone for past mistakes and hold them to it for life.

    ""let his brother influence his life and decisions" What the fuck? Are you trying to tell me that his BROTHER was the one who made him do that? His BROTHER was the one who told him, hey why do't you mooch off your mother. His brother was the one who said hey, because you can't talk like a normal person and mock me at every turn and I get reasonably angry for it why don't you rape my lover."
    Influence means the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. So yeah, he did influence him. Influence doesn't mean make, genius. It means he had an effect on what he did, and he did.

    "Aoi's RESPONSIBLE for his own actions. What's wrong with you. Are you truly blaming Kouki for Aoi's actions. For an ADULT'S ACTIONS? You do understand men like Aoi are dangerous right? Men who can't accept that someone may not love them back and go on to try to rape their lover are dangerous right? You do know men like him who can't handle their own feelings are dangerous right? You do know that nobody should be blamed for your own actions right? You do know that there are rational, reasonable, smart adult who can handle being rejected, being 'not understood' especially if the person themselves are the ones not trying to be understood, their very actions are trying push away their loved ones. You know that nobody should be obligated to care for you if you treat them like an ass right? You know that right? "
    That's correct, Ai is responsible for his own actions, when have I denied that? But like I said, it is a cause and effect for everything. Without Kouki, would Aoi had done any of those things? No, Kouki was the cause without knowing it.
    For one, why repeat the exact same thing over again? Clearly I can read. Next, Just because you arr an adult, doesn't mean you are mature, and you can accept rejection, and accept not being understood. That's why we have so many suicides, serial killers, etc. Every suicide has a cause, every serial killer has a cause, etc.. Any rational, smart, blah blah blah adult aren't actually rational and smart. No one is perfect and you don't know what's going on in anyone's head. Those rational adults could kill someone tomorrow, whether they were triggered or not, and anyone can be smart. You don't have to be an adult too be smart. Serial killers are quite known to be quite smart.


    TSBR September 24, 2016 9:18 pm
    Short version: because I know people when they come to an argument they can't counter factually would say that the reply was too long and 'they didn't bother to read'. When in fact, they had no good argument.St... Gray

    "Short version: because I know people when they come to an argument they can't counter factually would say that the reply was too long and 'they didn't bother to read'. When in fact, they had no good argument."
    Sorry buddy, if you thought that was going to happen.

    "Stop blaming Kouki for his actions."
    Considering how Kouki's actions were the reason why Aoi did what he did., whether he meant to or not, no, I will not stop blaming him( even though I'm not blaming him in all actually, I'm just saying that without Kouki, this never would have happened)

    "Aoi is not. Why? Because HE know it's not Kouki's fault. HE knows he doesn't deserve to see his brother yet and ask for an apology. Why try apologise if he thinks he did what he did because of Kouki not letting him explain? Why would he try to apolgise if he believes that if Kouki tried to talk to him, he wouldn't have done that? Because it's not the reason. And he knows that. HE knows HIS FEELINGS made him do things he shouldn't have"
    Aoi is not? You need to elaborate on what you are saying. For one, he isn't apologizing to his brother YET because he isn't ready and strong enough to do it. They made that pretty clear in his story. Kouki is the cause, and you cant even deny that. He let Kouki and his feelings influence his decisions and this is what happened. But like I said, he is trying to apologize and change( funny how, when I look though your whole comments you stopped talking about "how has he tried to change" and "he is using his mother"

    "The only person who thinks that Kouki being angry at Aoi was the reason behind his 'mistake'. Is you"
    Clearly not, when this comment has 28 likes. But better luck next time

    TSBR September 25, 2016 1:04 pm
    Short version: because I know people when they come to an argument they can't counter factually would say that the reply was too long and 'they didn't bother to read'. When in fact, they had no good argument.St... Gray

    This is my last comment, considering how this is a waste of time and I have things to do... so... lets agree to disagree. And don't say "You couldn't counter anything I have said so you are saying this", because I wrote 2 comments, commenting on EVERYTHING you have said, before this one. While you left out stuff you couldn't even counteract.
    Keep replying, I really don't care. Maybe someone else would reply to you