people hate suu

Mimi December 5, 2020 4:23 am

But I think he's the best MC! I think those mc's who are selfless and loving to their own detriment are cliche and annoying. Suu is so complex. He loves Sahara, Nadan, and Suryeon but he loves himself the most, and I think that is a very good thing! Yes, Sahara loves him but Sahara is also using him and turning him into a monster. That's terrifying and not okay? Nadan is too complacent with their shitty allotment in life and also hasn't loved Suu back in a long time. No reason to settle for a guy like that. Suryeon loves him but still put his life in danger, broke his ankle, and manipulated him for his political goals. Just because Suu beats himself up for not being loyal to these shitty love interests doesn't mean we should. Suu is making the right choice by wanting to leave and take care of himself. Suu isn't co-dependent. Suu realizes that these relationships are all somewhat manipulative and abusive. Suu deserves to be loved by someone who sees him as his equal and has the same goals and values as him. (He really just wants freedom)! Suu makes mistakes and doesn't have it all figured out but I respect him for trying. Maybe because I'm black, maybe because I'm a feminist, maybe because I'm American but honestly, I am nobody's slave, I don't need no man, and give me liberty or give me death. I would not put up with any of this BS and I'm glad Suu wont either.

That being said, I do still ship him with Suryeon, I love Sahara, and I too hope Nadan isn't dead yet. They are all also great characters. Ideally they'll work it out somehow. I just want people to stop shitting on Suu for being "selfish" when he is making good life choices.

    Fujoshi_* December 5, 2020 4:51 am

    That was a great explanation, suu is way to smart and matured way faster than how kids are supposed to be and all his trauma he gained...that’s what makes him interesting for me..?

    Codebreaker5 December 5, 2020 11:25 pm

    How can you save comments?.....