
AhhhSenpai December 5, 2020 12:18 am

Some of these comments, man, some of you guys REALLY need to go somewhere because:

-Luca wasn’t laughing because he thinks it’s okay to cheat, he was laughing because adultery was considered this big fucking thing and in his country they have multiple partners. He’s saying it’s an innocent country.

-I know Luca isn’t a narrow-browed seme so let me say it for the people in the back—HE OBVIOUSLY REALLY LIKES MAKO BECAUSE HE’S NOT A DICK TO HIM. Luca got caught up in the first day of a new school, he wasn’t ignoring Mako, he was meeting people and showing off which is what teens do. And also HE SAID NO TO GOING OUT WITH A TRIO OF GIRLS FOR MAKO.

-The fact that a few people mentioned Luca is a fuckboy (yes, he is) and that he’s probably going to add Mako to his collection is pretty much destroyed by the fact he’s TAKING HIS TIME WITH MAKO, MAKING SURE HES OKAY SINCE HiS DICK IS BIG, and for fucks sake LOOK AT HIS GLOWING SMILE. He doesn’t give a shit if the tip is in, it’s with Mako and Mako tried for him. He’s happy, not satisfied and that’s okay. He didn’t throw Mako down or force it because, and I’m going to shock some of you—assholes aren’t self-lubing and two fingers for three seconds doesn’t equal ready. LUCA KNOWS THIS AND OBVIOUSLY IS BEING VERY TENDER WOTH HIS BOI.

Guys, I know people love pointing out the toxicity in a yaoi, but this couple ain’t it, keep walking.

    brainrot December 4, 2020 10:28 pm


    OkieDokie December 4, 2020 10:58 pm

    You summed it up perfectly. There are many countries' where politicians or important people cheat and its seen as no big deal. I volunteered with a HIV/AIDS non profit and I can't remember the specific country where its normal for a wife and husband to many side partners, but it is an open secret and not really disuses it, which is why HIV/AIDS was a big problem bc no one use protection either.

    GeO December 4, 2020 10:59 pm


    nite3am December 4, 2020 11:02 pm

    how do i know everything that u just said (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    AhhhSenpai December 4, 2020 11:15 pm

    Thanks, babes, I was just laughing at how far people were reaching with trying to figure out how to make Luca the bad guy.

    sharloo December 4, 2020 11:19 pm

    omg yes!!! December 4, 2020 11:37 pm

    Amen somebody finally said it ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Shortchescak December 4, 2020 11:38 pm

    I think I downvoted by accident, whoops 0.0

    seo-hun December 4, 2020 11:50 pm


    flomillishithoe December 5, 2020 12:13 am


    blueninja89 December 5, 2020 12:18 am
    Thanks, babes, I was just laughing at how far people were reaching with trying to figure out how to make Luca the bad guy. AhhhSenpai

    I doubt people are saying he’s a bad guy. They’re more concerned about how realistically Makoto is going past his likely comfort zone to keep up with a boy who’s worldview and experience truly surpass his own, and how this is supposedly seen as romantic and endearing because of its opposites attract setup. There’s literally nothing wrong with a cautious mindset, in fact a lot of people end up experiencing things they are not emotionally or physically ready for at this age, because of a dynamic exactly as shown here. Just because it’s fictional doesn’t mean, Luca can’t do damage, or inadvertently provide Makoto a misconstrued romantic experience that Makoto will internalize simply because Luca is his fist experience. Makoto’s inexperience actually matters, and just because Luca is taking the time to prep Makoto during sex doesn’t mean they should be even having sex a week into knowing each either, it’s just the pace of the plot and what the readers want. There’s really not a lot of communication in actuality besides what’s necessary for their romantic development. Don’t use this plot as some basis or start line for a healthy relationship. That’s not to say Makoto and Luca have toxic relationship in anyway, nor am I saying that, but there elements to this relationship that can be excused by their young age, but should ultimately be addressed but given the genre often isn’t.

    AhhhSenpai December 5, 2020 12:37 am

    Okay, so

    -I ain’t got shit to do today so I read A LOT of comments, and YES, some people are trying to call him a bad guy.

    -Mako is acting like a teen curious about his sexuality. He wanted to see Luca’s dick, he drew back when Luca kissed him cause he was embarrassed and quickly told Luca it had NOTHING to do with gender. So far, Mako has been consensual to everything and even ready to move forward. Comfort zone? He’s stroking Luca’s dick with his foot and playing with a pack of lube while stating ‘you’re my first’.

    -Luca hasn’t done any damage. He’s acting like a teen boy, bruh. Mako said ‘let’s try’ and Luca said ‘okay’ then took it slow because he knew Mako wasn’t ready. They were both willing to try.

    -Teens don’t always wait to get to know each other, they meet someone they’re sexually attracted to and they explore.

    -The fact that you’re trying to come at me saying I’m using this as a starting line for a healthy relationship made me lol. Like, legit laugh. It’s a fucking yaoi, I’m saying as far as yaois go, their relationship is nice and WAY healthier than most. And, maybe you need to sit back and read more into this as an adult then you might get it.

    blueninja89 December 5, 2020 1:27 am
    Okay, so-I ain’t got shit to do today so I read A LOT of comments, and YES, some people are trying to call him a bad guy. -Mako is acting like a teen curious about his sexuality. He wanted to see Luca’s dic... AhhhSenpai

    And that’s’s a yaoi. it’s a fictional story. A far a BL go it’s not the worse and I never said it was. What I’m explaining is this is a fictional story going in the direction the author and readers want.

    Given the plot as it is and the fact yes teens do have sex, do have romantic feelings, etc my point is this doesn’t necessarily represent how things would play out nor how either character wouldn’t in other way impact the other than a relationship that could only be saccharine sweetness and perfection as it does here. What I think you’re not understanding is this works because the author says so, that Makoto is gung-ho for sex but doesn’t have any insecurities when it could be a hinderance for him to self reflect, for Luca to only be this great guy because he fell in love at first sight and wants to treasure Makoto, but would so no to sex despite being a sexually active teen boy. It’s just all convenient and doesn’t actually give these two depth, we shallowly acknowledge cultural differences, open communication about sexual/romantic desires and expectations, and actually what exploration means for both of them given their different backgrounds.

    Nothing about this is truly touched upon other than yes one’s from Kenya the other Japan. That actually means something, and it’s barely being utilized other than Luca fucks around because it’s his “culture”, and Makoto is sexually liberal for a JaPAneSe boy. What annoys me what you’re suggesting is everyone who’s not quick to just accept this reality presented by the author is being a prude if they don’t immediately succumb to the same mindset when this isn’t even realistic for a virginal Japanese boy and a sexually active Kenyan boy engaging in a homosexual relationship for the first time, even those who have casual relationships as you’ve suggested don’t have such differing cultural baring and norms and it not impact how they approach life and such a novel experience. We should be getting that here but we actually don’t. Hence why yes Makoto can be feeling up another boy’s dick, but also be past his comfort zone emotionally knowing Luca could be doing the same easily with others. Or Luca not unpacking how his polyamory means to him personally and explain Makoto’s place within this romantic mindset. Instead things just progress to more sexual activities because teen love.

    I was a teen once, I’m not dumb enough not to know how their minds work, but I’m older enough to know this plot dynamic is purely fictional convenience and hence my point of this plot shouldn’t be used as the basis of anhealthy relationship because the author intends to make the characters only as deep as a puddle. I don’t expect the plot to make Luca and Makoto to have anything other than a happy fluffy happily ever after and even from my own experience as teen my life was much messier let alone falling for the male exchange student who first day in my home I’m already having sex with him then dinner the same night and not have a SINGLE thought how this changes my sexuality, my mindset, or personhood.

    AhhhSenpai December 5, 2020 1:55 am

    “What annoys me what you’re suggesting is everyone who’s not quick to just accept this reality presented by the author is being a prude if they don’t immediately succumb to the same mindset...”

    Yeah, you are really stretching there. And judging by your comments on other comics, I can tell you’re the ‘I need to criticize this work of fiction or else people will try to normalize it!’

    ...when, in fact, NO ONE normalizes it cause it’s fiction and adults know better.

    I think you mean well, but you’re batting in the dark, kid. Mako and Luca aren’t real, so I don’t care if they’re relationship isn’t pinpoint accurate or if they represent a real relationship—the comic is made to entertain. Not lecture.

    blueninja89 December 5, 2020 2:10 am

    And based off your comments you just read things mindlessly. Both of us can make assumptions if that’s what you prefer. And YOU may not normalize but to say fiction is not normalized is grossly false be it from children to adults. At the end of the day if you don’t care, my words don’t actually matter, but if it does to someone else more power to them, it doesn’t hurt anyone to have differing opinions. Nor is there anything wrong pointing out elements of a plot, critiquing it, or even analyzing it because that is the literal point of art form be it literature, movie, comics, etc. People experience things differently, internalize differently, and react differently, makoto and Luca could very well be perfect in how they are and that’s enough for some. If it isn’t for others and that’s pointed out, their point isn’t invalid because it’s fictional, that’s lazy and adds nothing to the discourse. But at this point this conversation is going no where as we just differ in opinion and that’s fine.

    BlueFairy December 5, 2020 2:34 am
    I doubt people are saying he’s a bad guy. They’re more concerned about how realistically Makoto is going past his likely comfort zone to keep up with a boy who’s worldview and experience truly surpass his... blueninja89

    I agree with all this

    salem_the_slug December 5, 2020 8:01 am
    And that’s’s a yaoi. it’s a fictional story. A far a BL go it’s not the worse and I never said it was. What I’m explaining is this is a fictional story going in the direction the author and rea... blueninja89

    Forreal tho...