I hate asahi’s ex wife so much. She installed this fear inside him that if you can’t h...

Anonymous December 4, 2020 8:08 pm

I hate asahi’s ex wife so much. She installed this fear inside him that if you can’t have children then you’re defective. She cheated on him because asahi couldn’t have kids and she wanted kids of her own. If she really wanted kids so badly then there were so many ways to go about it without cheating like adoption, having a sperm donor or surrogacy but she choose to cheat and left him with this fear and hole in his heart. Now asahi thinks he’s a defective man and that there’s a possibility that the only reason he’s with masato, a man, is that with a man he won’t have to worry about being defective or him being defective won’t ruin their relationship because masato is a guy too. We all know that isn’t the case at all and asahi does love masato is with him because he’s simply in love with him but that fear inside asahi won’t go away because he thinks the minute masato knows what asahi is thinking he’d get so hurt that he’d leave him too and start to resent him.

    justahedgehog December 4, 2020 8:31 pm

    what a detailed and blunt rant. I like it.

    Hanimoon December 4, 2020 8:38 pm

    Yep and in chapter 5 Asahi kind of admitted that he is with Masaki for convenience... For sure he likes Masaki but I think this relationship was very convenient for him, not having to worry about the pressure of having children but he still has negative thoughts... He is depressed and needs help

    Hanimoon December 4, 2020 8:45 pm
    Yep and in chapter 5 Asahi kind of admitted that he is with Masaki for convenience... For sure he likes Masaki but I think this relationship was very convenient for him, not having to worry about the pressure o... Hanimoon


    Minatobro December 4, 2020 9:43 pm
    Yep and in chapter 5 Asahi kind of admitted that he is with Masaki for convenience... For sure he likes Masaki but I think this relationship was very convenient for him, not having to worry about the pressure o... Hanimoon

    Asahi didn’t admit that he’s with masato for convenience. He said that he loves masato very much but he is still afraid because he subconsciously thinks that may be the reason he’s with masato despite him being a man is that he doesn’t have to worry about having kids. He’s not with masato for convenience. He loves him a lot and he knows that myself as well but his experience with his ex wife has made him question his own intentions. Being with masato for asahi has never been about convenience. If anything masato has caused inconvenience for asahi because of the whole thing with asahi’s little brother. Masato just happened to be the one that filled the hole in asahi’s heart. He happened to be the one who taught asahi how to love again and be truly happy again. Asahi loving masato has never been about masato being a man or that asahi doesn’t have to worry about having kids but still he has this subconscious fear. He also can’t verify whether his fears are just or not because if he said them out loud they’ll hurt masato and he’d leave him even if asahi later found out that his fears were wrong and that he really does love masato just because it’s him.

    something December 4, 2020 10:59 pm

    I mean here's the thing, if his ex-wife was SO set on having kids biologically, then decide that's what you want, and divorce your husband, then find a different partner. -_- You don't need to cheat, that's just unnecessary. Frankly there's lots of relationships where things don't work out due to other factors, so if this was something she couldn't give up then frankly she could have decided so and then gone with it better.

    vidawin December 5, 2020 1:13 am

    It's not that relevant, but jsyk surrogacy is still widely unaccepted in Japan