I just hate the fact that Hwi is just an option 😭 he's just that someone who will be th...

Riri December 4, 2020 5:08 pm

I just hate the fact that Hwi is just an option he's just that someone who will be there when param will break his heart bcoz of han even though he's breaking too. I hate the fact that param didn't take Hwi's feelings seriously. Param should've made it clear that he has no feelings for hwi and its just purely sex but he didn't. And I reaaallllyy hate the fact that I will see Hwi's pained expression when he learned that something happened to param and han. My heart breaks at the thought of that. I know they started as fuck buddies and hwi knew that he has feeling for han but pleasee, param clearly disrespect hwi for that matter. And I therefore conclude that Hwi's might not be the end game. And I'll gladly accept that ending with my whole being

    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:16 pm

    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelings to Param and by chapter 35, Hwi showed his directly. Param should have rejected him right there but he didn't.

    Anyway, the next chapters Param should make it clear so Hwi can find someone better.

    Sorry just venting out.

    Amy December 4, 2020 5:18 pm
    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelin... Alexushi94

    People are saying that Param is “cheating” hence the “they aren’t exclusive” comments.

    Riri December 4, 2020 5:24 pm
    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelin... Alexushi94

    Yeees, the recent raw just makes me frustrated. And we all know Hwi always understand Param's situation. The fact that he didn't get angry when Param called mr. Han's name when they're having sex was so heart breaking. I love hwi for respecting Param's feelings for that matter and I hope param did the same

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:30 pm
    People are saying that Param is “cheating” hence the “they aren’t exclusive” comments. Amy

    I literally haven’t seen any cheating comments. Just people saying they weren’t exclusive.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:30 pm
    Ikr. People are using the "they are not exclusive" thing as an excuse. There is more to dating than being exclusive tho. The whole process of it matters too. Before this, both men showed indirectly their feelin... Alexushi94

    It’s not an excuse seeing as people associate this with cheating. Param never showed his feelings since he doesn’t even know what they are as of yet. I get it if Param said he likes Hwi but he hasn’t been done that...Hwi is not dumb, he knows Param is in love with his boss and their relationship was sex based.

    Amy December 4, 2020 5:33 pm
    I literally haven’t seen any cheating comments. Just people saying they weren’t exclusive. BlueFairy

    Someone compared this to a husband cheating on his wife.

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:38 pm
    It’s not an excuse seeing as people associate this with cheating. Param never showed his feelings since he doesn’t even know what they are as of yet. I get it if Param said he likes Hwi but he hasn’t been... Aland

    Param accepted knowing Hwi likes him. If Param wasn’t sure he could have asked Hwi for more time or not accepted.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:40 pm
    Param accepted knowing Hwi likes him. If Param wasn’t sure he could have asked Hwi for more time or not accepted. BlueFairy

    Param never reciprocated those feelings though. That’s like someone liking you so you refuse to be with anyone else. It’s doesn’t make sense.

    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:41 pm
    Param never reciprocated those feelings though. That’s like someone liking you so you refuse to be with anyone else. It’s doesn’t make sense. Aland

    That's not the point. He should have not accepted in the first place. Then why was he so hesitant before the sex scene anyway?

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:43 pm
    Param never reciprocated those feelings though. That’s like someone liking you so you refuse to be with anyone else. It’s doesn’t make sense. Aland

    Param literally accepted the date? In what works is this not reciprocating feelings? Why would you agree to date someone you have no interest in?

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:47 pm
    Param literally accepted the date? In what works is this not reciprocating feelings? Why would you agree to date someone you have no interest in? BlueFairy

    Accepting a date does not mean you reciprocate someone’s feelings. People go on first dates all the time, it doesn’t mean they are reciprocating feelings. I go on first dates with people I want to get to know, to see how it will go.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:47 pm
    That's not the point. He should have not accepted in the first place. Then why was he so hesitant before the sex scene anyway? Alexushi94

    He is still figuring out his feelings about both men. We can see his thoughts, he is confused about both men.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:49 pm

    He accepted the date because again, he wants to see where this will all go.

    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:51 pm
    He is still figuring out his feelings about both men. We can see his thoughts, he is confused about both men. Aland

    Well I agree with you on that. Anyway, I'm just being upset because I stan Hwi and with this chapter I can kinda guess what kind of direction this will go since he seems to have no remorse after the act.

    Aland December 4, 2020 5:56 pm
    Well I agree with you on that. Anyway, I'm just being upset because I stan Hwi and with this chapter I can kinda guess what kind of direction this will go since he seems to have no remorse after the act. Alexushi94

    You can be upset. I am upset too but like let’s all come down. It’s okay. Feelings are messy. But if Param actually makes his feelings more clear to Hwi and continues to be with Han. Then I’m out.

    BlueFairy December 4, 2020 5:58 pm
    Accepting a date does not mean you reciprocate someone’s feelings. People go on first dates all the time, it doesn’t mean they are reciprocating feelings. I go on first dates with people I want to get to kn... Aland

    Accepting a date means you are interested in someone. Param knows Hwi likes him.

    Erica December 4, 2020 5:59 pm
    Yeees, the recent raw just makes me frustrated. And we all know Hwi always understand Param's situation. The fact that he didn't get angry when Param called mr. Han's name when they're having sex was so heart b... Riri


    Alexushi94 December 4, 2020 5:59 pm
    You can be upset. I am upset too but like let’s all come down. It’s okay. Feelings are messy. But if Param actually makes his feelings more clear to Hwi and continues to be with Han. Then I’m out. Aland

    Lol me too. Anyway still kinda excited how this goes tho. (Despite me seemingly being upset)

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:01 pm
    Accepting a date does not mean you reciprocate someone’s feelings. People go on first dates all the time, it doesn’t mean they are reciprocating feelings. I go on first dates with people I want to get to kn... Aland

    Anyone could mistake him that he reciprocated Hwi's feelings even hwi himself. Param didn't made it clear to hwi that he doesn't have a feelings on him yet, yes he knew param has feeling with mr. han, that's why he took the opportunity to confess and asked param to date, which the latter agreed cuz if he's not, he'll not tell mr. Han that he's seeing someone.

    And would you date someone who has feelings for you even though you knew the one you want has feelings for you but you're just having second thoughts bcoz you didn't know him enough? Isn't that disrespectful abd cruel?

    Riri December 4, 2020 6:03 pm

    Yes. Go back to the previous chap. it was when param and mr. han shared their first kissed.